
0.6.0 • Public • Published


Rulez.js is a javascript library for showing svg based customizable rulers. It generates divisions and texts once and only for visible area.


Download the minified library or use bower to install it.

bower install rulez.js

and include it in your html.

<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/rulez.js/dist/js/rulez.min.js"></script>


###Basic usage

Horizontal ruler

var someSvgElement = document.getElementById('someSvgElementId');
var rulez = new Rulez({
    element: someSvgElement,

Vertical ruler

var someSvgElement = document.getElementById('someSvgElementId');
var rulez = new Rulez({
    element: someSvgElement,
    layout: 'vertical'


Every horizontal ruler can be aligned to top or bottom (default is 'top'):

var someSvgElement = document.getElementById('someSvgElementId');
var rulez = new Rulez({
    element: someSvgElement,
    alignment: 'bottom'

Every vertical ruler can be aligned to left or right (default is 'left'):

var someSvgElement = document.getElementById('someSvgElementId');
var rulez = new Rulez({
    element: someSvgElement,
    layout: 'vertical'
    alignment: 'left'

###Customizing rulers Internally rulez.js use default config, but you can override it by passing more parameters in constructor. There is only one limitation to remember : maximum pixelGap used for divisions must be dividable by all other pixelGaps (pixelGaps of texts are included also). For example, next config is ok:

var rulez = new Rulez({
    divisions: [
            pixelGap: 25,
            lineLength: 10
            pixelGap: 100,
            lineLength: 20
    texts: [
            pixelGap: 5
            pixelGap: 25
            pixelGap: 50

max pixelGap of divisions is 100 and it's dividable by every other pixelGap used in config(25, 5, 25, 50). Ruler with the next one config may be rendered incorrectly if scrollTo method is used:

var rulez = new Rulez({
    divisions: [
            pixelGap: 25,
            lineLength: 10
            pixelGap: 100,
            lineLength: 20
    texts: [
            pixelGap: 6
            pixelGap: 25
            pixelGap: 50

max pixelGap of divisions is 100 and it's NOT dividable by 6.

####Specifying units By default rulez.js uses 'user' units(px). This can be changed by specifying units param in config. Possible values for units: 'em', 'ex', 'px', 'pt', 'pc', 'cm', 'mm', 'in' and ''(user units) svg units spec. Note that those units will be used for all params for divisions and texts(pixelGap, lineLength, strokeWidth, etc).

var rulez = new Rulez({
    units: 'pt'

Units conversion rate (how many pixels is in one specified unit) can be retrieved using method getUnitConversionRate

var rulez = new Rulez({
    units: 'pt'
var unitsConversionRate = rulez.getUnitConversionRate();

####Customizing divisions Divisions can be changed by providing array of divisions config objects

var rulez = new Rulez({
    divisions: [
            pixelGap: 25,
            lineLength: 10
            pixelGap: 100,
            lineLength: 20

The code above means that ruler will be created with two different division types:

  1. Long ones(20px) with big gap between them(100px).
  2. Short ones(10px) with small gap between them(25px)

Other parameters that can be changed are

    strokeWidth : 1,// width of division
    className: 'someClassName',// css class applied to every division
    type: 'rect',// 'rect' or 'line': type of svg element used to render division
    renderer: function(division){// function that is called when division is added to ruler

####Customizing texts

Texts can be changed by providing array of texts config objects

var rulez = new Rulez({
    texts: [
            pixelGap: 50
            pixelGap: 100

The code above means that ruler will be created with two different texts types:

  1. Texts with big gap between them(100px).
  2. Texts with smaller gap between them(50px)

Other parameters that can be changed are

className: 'someClassName'// css class applied to every text
offset: 20,//offsets of texts in pixels
rotation:90,//rotation in degrees of texts
showUnits:true,//Wherever to show or not to show units alongside text
renderer: function(text){// function that is called when text is added to ruler

####Default configs It's possible to use default configs that will used for all texts and divisions if they not specify parameters on their own. Any parameters that can be used for divisions or texts are also applicable for default configs.

divisionDefaults: {
    strokeWidth: 1,
    type: 'rect',
    className: 'rulez-rect'
textDefaults: {
    rotation: 0,
    offset: 25,
    className: 'rulez-text'

###Scrolling rullers to a specific position Every ruller can be scrolled to a specific position by using

ruler.scrollTo(<left (top for vertical rulers) position in pixels>, {boolean} useUnits);
/* example */

###Resizing If width(height for vertical) is increased you'll need to resize ruler by calling resize method.


###Scaling For scaling of ruler method setScale can be used. Internally it multiples text's value by provided scaleValue.

ruler.setScale(<left (top for vertical rulers) position in pixels>);
/* example */

###Text centering Starting from v0.1.0 text elements are centered by default.

textDefaults: {
    rotation: 0,
    offset: 25,
    className: 'rulez-text',
    centerText: true

Possible values for 'by':

  • 'width' - calculations are made by accessing textElement.getBoundingClientRect().width property
  • 'height' - calculations are made by accessing textElement.getBoundingClientRect().height property Possible values for 'operation':
  • 'sum' textElement.getBoundingClientRect()[by]/2 will be added to original position
  • 'sub' textElement.getBoundingClientRect()[by]/2 will be subtracted from original position

###Saving as image Ruler can be saved as image(png base64)

    var img = new Image();
    img.src = resultImg;

MIT License.

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  • shyyko.serhiy