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A simple React hook to use fetch with Suspense and Redux. Ideal for universal apps.

Getting started

Install it with:

npm install ruse-fetch

To make it work, you need to add our reducer to your Redux store:

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { fetchReducer } from 'ruse-fetch'

const reducers = {
  /* your other reducers... */
  useFetch: fetchReducer
const store = createStore(combineReducers(reducers))

Finally, to use it, just do:

import { useFetch } from 'ruse-fetch'

const MyComponent = ({ id }) => {
  const data = useFetch(`${id}`)
  return <div>{}</div>

The parameters are the same as for fetch, so if you need to set any options, just pass them along:

const data = useFetch(url, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { Authorization: myAuth }

Handling loading and errors

Instead of creating our own solution for these cases, we use the already available tools in react. Just use <Suspense> for the loading status, and error boundaries for errors:

const MyComponentWrapper = ({ id }) =>
  <ErrorBoundary fallback="Not Found">
    <Suspense fallback="Loading...">
      <MyComponent id={id} />

Server-side rendering

This library is compatible with server side rendering but, unfortunately, React doesn't support suspense on the server yet. While it doesn't get released, you can use react-async-ssr to bridge the gap.

If you're already sending your Redux store from server to client, things will just work. The server will wait for all fetch requests before sending its response, and the client won't repeat any fetch during hydration, but will make any new fetch it requires later.


If multiple components use the same URL, only a single request will be made. This caching is based only on the URL. If you need to override this, you can pass an alternative cache key as the third parameter, and any components sharing the key will make a single request.

Using outside of render

You might need to make fetch calls for reasons other than data loading, such as form submitting, or event tracking. In these cases, useFetch wouldn't work, as you need to make the call in an event handler, and not during render. You can use fetch directly, but if you ever need it to use and share the cache with other useFetch calls, you can use useFetchCb:

const doFetch = useFetchCb(url) // Didn't fetch anything yet
const handleClick = e => {
  // ...
  doFetch() // Fetch is executed here

Getting metadata

To keep things simple, useFetch returns the JSON data directly, but sometimes you need to get the status code or headers too. For these cases, we also provide a useFetchMeta hook, which will return an object with the status, header, and timestamp of any previous useFetch call:

const data = useFetch(url)
const { status, headers } = useFetchMeta(url)

You can pass a cache key as the second parameter when needed. Note that it doesn't receive the options, as it will never initiate a fetch, and they are not needed to identify a specific call: only the url and cache key are needed.

Tips & tricks

Sometimes you need to fetch conditionally during render, but hooks can't be called conditionally. No problem: just set the URL to null, and useFetch will be a no-op.

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