A protoo client written with direct RxJS support. Using RxJS results in a substantially smaller bundle size compared to the original protoo-client
, assuming the client is also using RxJS.
npm install rxjs-protoo-client
import { Peer, webSocketTransport, RequestError } from "rxjs-protoo-client";
const transport = await webSocketTransport(url);
const peer = Peer.overTransport(transport);
// Send a request.
const response = await peer.request("method", {});
// Send a notification.
peer.notify("method", {});
// Listen for requests.
(message) => {
if ("request" in message) {
// Respond to the request.
peer.next([message, {}]);
// Alternatively, send an error.
peer.error(new RequestError(request, 500, "Some error description."));
} else {
// Handle the notification.
(err) => {
// The peer unexpectedly closed.
() => {
// The peer terminated successfully.
// Close the connection.
Besides the API difference, the one difference with this library is that this library does not auto-retry unexpectedly closed connections. Instead, handle the error and re-establish the peer with a new transport manually.