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RxSM - Reactive State Management

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Redux-like state manager, based on the RxJS methods in the core.

Widely spread Redux, in spite of its advantages (heavily tested, solid codebase, structured approach, wide community, etc.), has a couple of downsides:

  • Lots of writing stuff (stores, actions, reducers, middlewares, tons of glue-code)
  • As a consequence - big bundle size
  • Just ONE BIG storage (Someone could believe it's an advantage! Hah, Let the holy war begin!)

On the other hand, we have RxJS with its atomical way to store data in BehaviorSubjects and a huge amount of asynchronous methods to work with events, which gives possibilities to work with async actions and side-effects without middlewares and extra code.

The main goal of this library is to keep Redux dev-experience and decrease the amount of unnecessary code in state management as well as reduce your bundle size.


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Basic usage:


A store is a place where all of the state data is located. You may not bound yourself with the only one store (despite Redux), but use as many separated storages as you need (for instance, when you use React components and want to isolate your components logic in individual files):

Creating store:


import { createStore } from "rxsm"

const init = {
  textLine: "init text1",
  numericValue: 1,
  array: ['one', 'two', 'three']

export const rxStore = createStore(init)

And with multiple stores:


import { createStore } from "rxsm"

const init1 = {
   textLine: "init text1",

const init2 = {
   numericValue: 1,

const init3 = {
   array: ['one', 'two', 'three']

export const rxStore1 = createStore(init1)
export const rxStore2 = createStore(init1)
export const rxStore3 = createStore(init1)

Store structure:

In a nutshell:

    storeKey_0: EnhancedRxBehaviorSubject_1,
    storeKey_n: EnhancedRxBehaviorSubject_n,
    dispatch: function(actionObject),
    getState: function()  //return state js-object {...}

Let's take a look at the particular case in the first example:

    textLine: EnhancedRxBehaviorSubject("init text1"),
    numericValue: EnhancedRxBehaviorSubject(1),
    array: EnhancedRxBehaviorSubject(['one', 'two', 'three']),
    dispatch: function(actionObject),
    getState: function()

Store methods:

  • dispatch(actionObject)

dispatch method initiates changes in the store according to actionObject:

import {rxStore} from 'store'

  • getState()

getState returns common JS object with full state of the store

import {rxStore} from 'store'

const currentState = rxStore.getState()

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 1,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']


An actionObject is a common JS object, that determines how the store should be changed. It's based on the current store state and (optional) additional data.

actionObject structure:

    name: String, //name of the action
    func: currentState => {stateChanges} //function with the currentState as an argument and returning
                                         //JS object that contains only changes in state  

actionObject usage:

import {rxStore} from 'store'

const action = {
    name: "increment",
    func: store => ({
        numericValue: store.numericValue + 1
currentState before dispatch:

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 1,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']
currentState after dispatch:

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 2,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']

The same, but with additional data:

import {rxStore} from 'store'

const actionWithExternalData = externalData =>
    name: "increment",
    func: store => ({
        numericValue: store.numericValue + externalData
currentState before dispatch:

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 1,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']
currentState after dispatch:

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 6,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']

actionObject with async function:

const AsyncAction = {
  name: "Async Action",
  func: async store => {
    try {
      const asyncResult = await axios('https://getdataarray');
      return {
          array: asyncResult.data //map result
    } catch (e) {
      return {}


Basically, it's common RxJS BehaviourSubject with additional method sideEffectSubscribe(). So far as it's part of the RxJS, we can use in-built subscribe() method.


Method subscribes func for launching on every change of the BehaviorSubject

currentState before dispatch:

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 1,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']
import {rxStore} from 'store'
const inc = {
   name: "increment",
   func: store => ({
       numericValue: store.numericValue + 1
const dec = {
   name: "decrement",
   func: store => ({
       numericValue: store.numericValue - 1
rxStore.numericValue.subscribe(val => console.log(`Value: ${val}`))
Console output:

Value: 2
Value: 1

sideEffectSubscribe(actionName, func):

Method subscribes func for launching on BehaviorSubject's changes by the action with a certain actionName.

currentState before dispatch:

     textLine: "init text1",
     numericValue: 1,
     array: ['one', 'two', 'three']
import {rxStore} from 'store'
const inc = {
   name: "increment",
   func: store => ({
       numericValue: store.numericValue + 1
const dec = {
   name: "decrement",
   func: store => ({
       numericValue: store.numericValue - 1
rxStore.numericValue.sideEffectSubscribe('increment', val => console.log(`Value: ${val}`))
Console output:

Value: 2

Usage with React:

Use custom React hook useStore from rxsm to get access to the store values. For changing values in the store use actions and store's dispatch method.

import {useStore} from 'rxsm'
import {rxStore} from 'store'

const changeText = newVal => ({
  name: "changeText",
  func: store => ({
    textLine: newVal

export const UseStoreExample = () => {
  const [textLine] = useStore(store, "textLine");
  return (
        onChange={e => rxStore.dispatch(changeText(e.target.value))}

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    • ryazantseff