
2.3.5 • Public • Published

s3 folder upload

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A little script to upload statics to a S3 bucket by using the official Amazon SDK.

AWS Credentials

In order to use this module, you'll need to have AWS Credentials. You can load them, two ways:

  • By passing directly to the method as second parameter.
  • By having a ENV variable with the path to a file with the credentials. The ENV variable is AWS_CREDENTIALS_PATH and it should have accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region and bucket.


npm install s3-folder-upload -D

In case you want to use the CLI, you can install it globally:

npx s3-folder-upload


const s3FolderUpload = require('s3-folder-upload')
// or the ES6 way
// import s3FolderUpload from 's3-folder-upload'

const directoryName = 'statics'
// I strongly recommend to save your credentials on a JSON or ENV variables, or command line args
const credentials = {
  "accessKeyId": "<Your Access Key Id>",
  "secretAccessKey": "<Your Secret Access Key>",
  "region": "<Your Aimed Region>",
  "bucket": "<Your Bucket Name>"

// optional options to be passed as parameter to the method
const options = {
  useFoldersForFileTypes: false,
  useIAMRoleCredentials: false

// optional cloudfront invalidation rule
const invalidation = {
  awsDistributionId: "<Your CloudFront Distribution Id>",
  awsInvalidationPath: "<The Path to Invalidate>"

s3FolderUpload(directoryName, credentials, options, invalidation)


  • useFoldersForFileTypes (default: true): Upload files to a specific subdirectory according to its file type.
  • useIAMRoleCredentials (default: false): It will ignore all the credentials passed via parameters or environment variables in order to use the instance IAM credentials profile.
  • uploadFolder (default: undefined): If it's specified, the statics will be uploaded to the folder, so if you upload static.js to https://statics.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com with a uploadFolder with value my-statics the file will be uploaded to: https://statics.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-statics/static.js.
  • ACL (default: public-read): It defines which AWS accounts or groups are granted access and the type of access.
  • CacheControl (default: public, max-age=31536000): HTTP header holds directives (instructions) for caching in both requests and responses.
  • Expires (default: 31536000): Header contains the date/time after which the response is considered stale. If there is a Cache-Control header with the max-age or s-maxage directive in the response, the Expires header is ignored.

If you use programatically the library, you could overwrite the ACL, CacheControl and Expires values to file level.

const options = {
  useFoldersForFileTypes: false,
  useIAMRoleCredentials: false,

const filesOptions: {
  'index.html': {
    CacheControl: 'public, max-age=300',
    Expires: new Date("Fri, 01 Jan 1971 00:00:00 GMT")

s3FolderUpload(directoryName, credentials, options, filesOptions)


s3-folder-upload <folder>

s3-folder-upload statics

For the AWS Credentials

  • you can define a ENV variable called AWS_CREDENTIALS_PATH with the path of the file with the needed info.
  • you can pass the needed info via command line parameters:
    s3-folder-upload <folder> --accessKeyId=<your access key id> --bucket=<destination bucket> --region=<region> --secretAccessKey=<your secret access key>
  • you can use useIAMRoleCredentials option in order to rely on IAM Profile instance instead any passed by variables and environment

For Options

  • you can pass the needed info via command line parameters:
    s3-folder-upload <folder> <credentials parameters> --useFoldersForFileTypes=false

For CloudFront invalidation

  • you can pass the needed info via command line parameters, the invalidation needs both parameters:
    s3-folder-upload <folder> <credentials parameters> --awsDistributionId=<distributionId> --awsInvalidationPath="/js/*"

Environment Variables

S3_FOLDER_UPLOAD_LOG: You could specify the level of logging for the library.

  • none: No logging output
  • only_errors: Only errors are logged
  • all (default): Errors, progress and useful messages are logged.

Example of use:

S3_FOLDER_UPLOAD_LOG=only_errors s3-folder-upload <folder>

If you use the library programatically, this ENVIRONEMNT_VARIABLE will be read as well. For example:

S3_FOLDER_UPLOAD_LOG=only_errors node upload-script.js

Wish list

  • [x] Upload a entire folder to S3 instead file
  • [x] Async upload of files to improve time
  • [x] Detect automatically the content type of (limited support)
  • [x] Return the list of files uploaded with the final URL
  • [x] Better support for parameters with the CLI
  • [ ] Improve content type function in order to get more and better types of files
  • [ ] Avoid to re-upload files if they didn't change
  • [ ] Check if cache is blocking updates of statics on website.
  • [ ] Map uploaded paths to create a default invalidation paths rule in CloudFront.


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