This Sass module provides more advanced string functions.
Install the package:
npm install sass-string
Use the package like any other Sass module:
@use 'sass-string';
Depending on your setup, you may need to configure node_modules
as include path:
const sass = require('sass');
file: scss_filename,
includePaths: ['node_modules']
Public API
ends-with ( $string, $substring [, $end-at] )
- Determines whether a string ends with the characters of a specified substring, returning true or false as appropriate.
from ( $value )
- Creates a string from the provided value.
includes ( $string, $substring [, $start-at] )
- Determines whether a string includes the characters of a specified substring, returning true or false as appropriate.
index ( $string, $substring [, $start-at] )
- Returns the first index at which a specified substring can be found in a string; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating the substring is not present.
last-index ( $string, $substring [, $end-at] )
- Returns the last index at which a specified substring can be found in a string; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating the substring is not present. The string is searched forwards, ending at a given index when specified.
split ( $string [, $delimiter] [, $limit] [, $separator] [, $bracketed] )
- Divides a string into a list of substrings.
starts-with ( $string, $substring [, $start-at] )
- Determines whether a string begins with the characters of a specified substring, returning true or false as appropriate.
Don't see the function you're looking for? Request a new feature describing a use case.
Combined API
In order to avoid constantly declaring both the native 'sass:string' module and this library, the combined API has been added which merges the two.
// Rather than using both modules separately...
@use 'sass-string';
@use 'sass:string';
// ...this statement will accomplish the same thing.
@use 'sass-string/string';
Note: Since its functionality is enhanced by this library, the combined API hides the native string.index()