
2.0.1 • Public • Published

sciter i18n

A translation engine for sciter.js on top of i18next.

sciter i18n screenshot

IMPORTANT NOTE From, sciter.js offers native translation support.


  • git clone the repository
  • install packages npm install
  • install latest sciter sdk npm run install-sdk
  • start the demo npm run scapp

demo requirements

  • A recent version of Node.js node (tested with 16 LTS) and its package manager npm.

add to your project

using npm

  • install package npm install sciter-i18n

copy source

  • add the src dir to your project
  • in <script type="module">
// import from npm package
import I18n from "node_modules/sciter-i18n/src/i18n.js";

// import from src dir
import I18n from "src/i18n.js";

document.on("ready", function() {
    const locale = "fr";
    const file   = URL.toPath(__DIR__ + `locales/${locale}.json`);
    const config = {
        // i18n logging
        logging: true,

        // debug i18next
        debug: true,

    // initialize translation engine
    if (I18n.init(locale, file, config)) {
        console.log("i18n init - OK");

        // translate window
  • create translation file locales\fr.json
    "translation": {
        "key1": "test du moteur i18n"
  • then in the html code add attribute data-i18n to all elements you want translated. If the data-i18n attribute value is set then it will be used as the translation key.
<h1 data-i18n="key1">i18n engine test</h1>
  • otherwise the element's innerText will be the key
<h1 data-i18n>h1</h1>

translate text in code

// with 2 arguments, first serves as key, second as default value (better option)
let message = I18n.m("no-update", "Widget could not be updated.");

// with a single argument, it's both the key and the default value
let message = I18n.m("Widget could not be updated.");


The basics

let message = I18n.m("Widget failed with error {{error_number}}.", { eror_number: 18 });

Interpolation can also be set at initialization to apply to all translations.

const config = {
    interpolation: {
        defaultVariables: {
            name: "Yuri",
            country: "Russia",

I18n.init(locale, path, config);

let message = I18n.m("My name is {{name}} and I'm from {{country}}.");


  • i18next file system backend or fetch backend
  • add missing ids to json
  • how to deal with interface refresh?

Dependencies (1)

Dev Dependencies (5)

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npm i sciter-i18n

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  • 8ctopus