
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Ready to run example using se-runner with grunt-se-runner and se-runner-framework-jasmine towards BrowserStack


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NPM package



The grunt file will begin by starting a tunnel to BrowserStack (using the BrowserStackLocal binary) and then start executing the specified tests.

In the beginning of the file there are two placeholders; [BrowserStackUser] and [BrowserStackApiKey]. There you will have to input your BrowserStack credentials.

Config folder

Contains the BrowserStack capabilities configurations, i.e. which browsers & devices to test against.

Server folder

The server folder is what is being exposed through BrowserStackLocal. Files in here will be made available in BrowserStack over HTTP (using the address: http://[BrowserStackUser]

For instance, this example has a simple test harness (harness.html) which sets up a simple HTML5 video that the tests can check against.

Test folder

Holds a few simple sample tests that load up the test harness and checks that a few things occurred.


  • This example is made to be run on a Windows machine. To use something else you have to download the appropriate BrowserStackLocal binary and place it in the server/ folder.
  • If you don't need to test local files but a page accessible over the internet you can remove the steps that start the BrowserStack tunnel.
  • If you need to test an internal page that you don't have locally the tunnel can be set up as a proxy. Check the BrowserStackLocal binary's help section for command syntaxt to do this.


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.

Release History

  • 2017-10-09 v1.3.0 Broke out local selenium-standalone example into own repo.
  • 2017-10-09 v1.2.1 Removed debug log.
  • 2017-10-09 v1.2.0 Added example for local testing with selenium-standalone.
  • 2017-04-26 v1.1.0 Refactored example tests.
  • 2017-04-10 v1.0.0 Initial version.

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npm i se-runner-browserstack-example

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  • hyddan