npm install seededshuffle
bower install seededshuffle
This project is Unlicensed. In other words, I don't care what you do with it. However, if you make something interesting, I would like to check it out.
Shuffle and unshuffle an array by seed/key.
var SeededShuffle = require('seededshuffle');
var array = SeededShuffle.shuffle(<array>,<seed>[,copy]); // Returns an array or null.
var array = SeededShuffle.unshuffle(<array>,<seed>[,copy]); // Returns an array or null.
Array - The array to shuffle.
Seed - The key to shuffle your array.
Copy* - Make a copy of the array instead of overwriting it.
* Optional.
SeededShuffle.seed - The seed number used to shuffle your key.
If you use a string as a seed it is converted to a number.
SeededShuffle.strSeed - The string used for the seed (if any).
var ss = ;var arrays = 12345678910 "a""b""c""d""e""f""g""h""i""j""k""l""m""n""o""p""q""r""s""t""u""v""w""x""y""z" ;var keys = "Example key 1." Date MathPI "Example key 4." false;for var num in arrays console; for var key in keys var shuff = ss ushuff = ss; console; console; console; console; ;;
SeededShuffle test