Serverless AWS Custom Auth Plugin
A serverless plugin that adds the possibility to configure AWS_IAM or Cognito Auth for your API Gateway endpoints and 'Invoke with caller credentials'. The reason why we made this plugin is because by the default serverless will generate a random authorizer name from the Cognito User Pool, there is no way to configure Authorizer ID or specify a name of new authorizer to be created if not exist.
Note: Serverless v1.0.0 or higher is required.
Add the plugin to your package.json's devDependencies and to the plugins array in your serverless.yml file. After installation the plugin will automatically hook into the deployment process.
npm install serverless-custom-auth-plugin --save-dev
- other plugins
- serverless-custom-auth-plugin
First, you will need to add your custom Authorizer with a friendly name
XXXAuthorizerAuthorizer: Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer Properties: AuthorizerUri: Ref: CognitoUserPoolXXX IdentitySource: method.request.header.Authorization Name: Friendly Name of this authorizer ProviderARNs: - Ref: CognitoUserPoolXXX RestApiId: Ref: ApiGatewayRestApi Type: COGNITO_USER_POOLS
and configure your event
myFunc: handler: myFunc.get name: ${self:provider.stage}-myFunc-get-item memorySize: 128 events: - http: method: GET path: api-path cors: true invokeWithCallerCredentials: true useIAMAuth: true // Use IAM auth useCognitoAuth: true // Or, we can use Cognito Auth authorizerId: Ref: XXXAuthorizer // Your authorizer resource in serverless.yml