Service Component for Node.js
A simple Service Component Architecture (SCA) framework for Node.JS
What is SCA?
SCA is a modeling specification for composing systems according to the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). SCA separates the implementation concerns into three artifacts:
- Components: implement its business function
- Composites: assemble various components together to create business solutions
- Services: create an interface for remote access to component and composite functions
Composites, services, and their relations with components are defined in a dynamic descriptor file, so every component can be implemented regardless how it will communicate with other components.
What is this framework about?
It is a simple way to build SCA systems using RESTful webservices with JSON communication.
In the examples folder, you can find the HelloWorld service-component app, which the directory tree is something like:
├── components/
│ ├── Writer.js
│ └── Translator.js
├── composite.json
└── HelloWorld.js
HelloWorld.js is the main interface to the real world. It builds the composite described in composite.json. Translator.js translate "hello" to different languages. Writer.js gets writes "{hello} {name}!", using the "hello" translated from the translator.
The composite.json file can be summarized like this:
"name" : "HelloWorld",
"services" : {
"hello" : {
"path" : "/hello/:language/:name",
"bind" : {
"component" : "Writer",
"service" : "write"
"components" : {
"Writer" : {
"services" : {
"write" : {
"path" : "/write/:language/:name"
"bind" : {
"translate" : {
"component" : "Translator",
"service" : "translate"
"Translator" : {
"services" : {
"translate" : {
"path" : "/translate/:language"