import {getFurigana} from "shunou"
// let text = ['澱んだ街角で,僕らは出会った', '活版印刷の流れを汲む出版作業では', 'お茶にお煎餅、よく合いますね', '野ブタ。をプロデュース', '本当に', '平気', '平然', '格好いい', '庭には2羽鶏がいる', '頑張り屋', 'アニメを見ています', '踏み込む']
let text = ['アニメを見ています']
for (const tmp of text) {
getFurigana(tmp, {dicdir: '/opt/homebrew/lib/mecab/dic/unidic'}).then((val) => {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(val, null, 2));
"origin": "アニメ",
"hiragana": "あにめ",
"basicForm": "アニメ-animation",
"pos": "名詞-普通名詞-一般",
"separation": [
"bottom": "ア",
"top": null
"bottom": "ニ",
"top": null
"bottom": "メ",
"top": null
"origin": "を",
"hiragana": "お",
"basicForm": "を",
"pos": "助詞-格助詞",
"separation": [
"bottom": "を",
"top": null
"origin": "見",
"hiragana": "み",
"basicForm": "見る",
"pos": "動詞-非自立可能",
"separation": [
"bottom": "見",
"top": "み"
"origin": "て",
"hiragana": "て",
"basicForm": "て",
"pos": "助詞-接続助詞",
"separation": [
"bottom": "て",
"top": null
"origin": "い",
"hiragana": "い",
"basicForm": "居る",
"pos": "動詞-非自立可能",
"separation": [
"bottom": "い",
"top": null
"origin": "ます",
"hiragana": "ます",
"basicForm": "ます",
"pos": "助動詞",
"separation": [
"bottom": "ま",
"top": null
"bottom": "す",
"top": null
export type MecabOptions = {
rcfile?: string;
dicdir?: string;
userdic?: string;
latticeLevel?: number;
dictionaryInfo?: boolean;
outputFormatType?: OutputFormatType;
allMorphs?: boolean;
nbest?: number;
partial?: boolean;
marginal?: boolean;
maxGroupingSize?: number;
nodeFormat?: string;
unkFormat?: string;
bosFormat?: string;
eosFormat?: string;
eonFormat?: string;
unkFeature?: string;
inputBufferSize?: number;
dumpConfig?: boolean;
allocateSentence?: boolean;
theta?: number;
costFactor?: number;
output?: string;
Shunou uses the MeCab tokenizer, which is a binding for the CLI of MeCab. It should be available for EVERY OS!
This repo is heavily referenced by:
- Install
via brew
To enable mecab-unidic dictionary, add to$(brew --prefix)/etc/mecabrc
the below:
dicdir = [$(brew --prefix) //Compute this first]/lib/mecab/dic/unidic
More or less, be like this:
hocky:~/project/shunou$ cat $(brew --prefix)/etc/mecabrc
; Configuration file of MeCab
; $Id:,v 1.3 2006/05/29 15:36:08 taku-ku Exp $;
; dicdir = /opt/homebrew/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic
dicdir = /opt/homebrew/lib/mecab/dic/unidic
; userdic = /home/foo/bar/user.dic
; output-format-type = wakati
; input-buffer-size = 8192
; node-format = %m\n
; bos-format = %S\n
; eos-format = EOS\n
- You can try using IPAdic Neologd or other community based dictionary with the same method with the same method.
- The important files are
- The important files are
- Put it in a directory, and set the dicdir based on the dictionary directory.
Linux set up should be similar