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0.24.5 • Public • Published

JavaScript Database

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Get Started | Guide for React | Core Concepts | Reactivity Adapters | Discord

SignalDB: Real-Time Client-Side Database with Optimistic UI

SignalDB is a client-side database optimized for modern web applications, offering a MongoDB-like interface with robust TypeScript support to improve development speed and ensure type safety. SignalDB supports creating an optimistic UI for responsive, dynamic interfaces and offers versatile local data persistence with various storage providers. SignalDB is also able to gather data from multiple sources, enabling real-time updates and synchronization (see examples for AppWrite, Firebase, Supabase, RxDB and HTTP). Designed for efficiency in applications requiring quick data handling and real-time interactions, SignalDB provides instant data access, minimizing latency typical of server-side databases. Its lightweight architecture is framework-agnostic, making it suitable for both small and large-scale projects that require flexible, intuitive data management solutions. SignalDB provides adapters for popular reactive libraries including Angular, React (through 3rd party signal libraries), Solid.js, Vue.js and many more.


  $ npm install signaldb


import { Collection } from 'signaldb'

const posts = new Collection()
const postId = posts.insert({ title: 'Foo', text: 'Lorem ipsum …' })
const cursor = collection.find({})
console.log(cursor.fetch()) // returns an array with all documents in the collection


In theory, every signal library is supported. SignalDB currently have pre-build reactivity adapters for these libraries:

More information in the reactivity section of the documentation.

import { effect } from '@preact/signals-core'
// OR
import { effect } from '@angular/core'
// OR
import { autorun as effect } from 'mobx'
// OR
import { createEffect as effect } from 'solid-js'
// OR
import { watchEffect as effect } from 'vue'
// ...

const posts = new Collection({
  reactivity: /* ... */ // see for reactivity adapters for your favorite library,

effect(() => { // will be executed everytime the query result changes
  const cursor = posts.find({ author: 'John' })



SignalDB harnesses the power of signal-based reactivity to offer a dynamic and responsive user experience. Our architecture integrates seamlessly with various signal libraries, ensuring compatibility and flexibility across different JavaScript frameworks. Whether you're using Angular, React, Vue.js, or others, SignalDB adapts to your preferred environment, enhancing the reactivity of your web applications. Also see the Core Concepts to leaarn more about the reactivity in SignalDB.

Collections & Queries

At the heart of SignalDB lies its advanced handling of collections and queries. Our in-memory data storage approach ensures blazing-fast query performance, perfect for applications requiring real-time data manipulation and retrieval. This setup allows for a synchronous API, eliminating the complexity of asynchronous operations and making data handling straightforward and efficient. SignalDB's query system is based on MongoDB's query syntax using mingo under the hood, providing a familiar and powerful querying experience. Learn more about Collections and Queries in the documentation.

Synchronization with external systems

SignalDB also implements a state-of-the-art data sync engine, drawing inspiration from established replication protocols like RxDB replication, WatermelonDB sync and replicache. It supports any backend and makes it easy to integrate even RESTful APIs as well, without the need for websockets. This feature is particularly useful for offline-first applications, ensuring data consistency and availability even when the network connection is intermittent or unavailable. Take a look at the documentation page for Synchronization for more information.

Data Persistence

SignalDB's data persistence layer is designed for scalability and flexibility. It offers various strategies for persisting data, from simple localStorage implementations to more complex external systems. This versatility allows for customization based on your application's needs, ensuring data is stored efficiently and securely. Our architecture supports the evolution of your application, providing a solid foundation for growth and expansion. See the Persistence Adapters page in the documentation to learn more.


Licensed under MIT license. Copyright (c) 2024 Max Nowack


Contributions are welcome. Please open issues and/or file Pull Requests.



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