A simple cryptography library for NodeJS.
Install with npm:
$ npm install simple-cipher-js --save
with yarn:
$ yarn add simple-cipher-js
or add it directly to your webpage using a CDN:
<script src=""></script>
if you are working off an older version of the CDN, simply replace simple-cipher-js@X.X.X with a more precise version #
const cipher = require('simple-cipher-js');
cipher.rot13.encrypt('hello world!'); // uryyb jbeyq!
import { rot13, caesar } from 'simple-cipher-js';
rot13.decrypt('fvzcyr pvcuref ner sha'); // simple ciphers are fun
caesar.encrypt('password', 23); // mxpptloa
Using the CDN:
<script src=""></script>
// inside of js file (or script tag)
document.querySelector("body").onload = function() {
var encrypt = cipher.rot13.encrypt('hello world');
console.log('encrypt: ', encrypt);
Rot13 Cipher
import { rot13 } from 'simple-cipher-js';
rot13.encrypt('special password') // => fcrpvny cnffjbeq
rot13.decrypt('fcrpvny cnffjbeq') // => special password
Caesar Cipher
import { caesar } from 'simple-cipher-js';
caesar.encrypt('et tu brute', 4) // => ix xy fvyxi
caesar.decrypt('ix xy fvyxi', -4) // => et tu brute