So for the Implementation of the Library, i have followed the specs proposed by IETF OAuth Working Group.
So Basic flow of the protocol:
It is a light weight package only has axios
as its dependencies, uses web crypto
which are built-in since Node 18 (but it works with Polyfills on Node 14 and 16).
It is platform agnostic which can be used in both client and server javascript environment .
Following OAuth Grant, it Supports
- Authorization Code
- Client Credentials
- Refresh Token
- Legacy: Implicit Flow
Install simple-oauth2-ts-client with npm
npm i simple-oauth2-ts-client
To get started with initialize the client with the following attributes
const client =new OAuthClient({
auth_server: string; //authorisation server domain endpoint
client_id: string; // provided by auth server for public client
client_secret?: string; // provided by auth server for confidential client
redirect_uri: string; // redirection uri for Authorization Code && implicit grant type
authorization_endpoint?: string; // @default /authorize
token_endpoint?: string; // @default /token
authenticationMethod?: "client_secret_basic" | "client_secret_post" | "none";
This client Object has following method to use for various purposes
// This will return redirection uri -->
await client.startAuthFlow(
params: OAuthStartAuthFlow
): Promise<OAuthStartAuthFlowResponse> // can be used for Authorization Code or implicit grants
// to handle successful redirection uri
await client.handleCallback(params: {
uri: string; // redirection back uri
grant_type: OAuth2GrantType; // use authorization_code for Authorization Code grant type
state?: string; // // Optional string that can be sent along to the auth server. This value will
// be sent along with the redirect back to the app verbatim.
code_verifier?: string; // to support PKCE
}): Promise<OAuth2Token>
// to handle refresh token
await client.refreshToken(
refreshToken: string,
params?: RefreshParams
): Promise<OAuth2Token>
To generate code verifier and codeChallenge , it exports uility function to do This
await generateCodeVerifier(): Promise<string>
I have no idea about the clear picture of inner working of the OAuth 2.0, so going though specs helps me a lot to clear things out. I was intiially using webpack build, but not able debug properly the errors, and test the lib in real application, so i have to use npm link, and local implementation to clear thing out .
To suppor crypo lib in both client, and server runtime, i have to explore how can i achieve it , then i have came across the stack overflow ans about the various implementions in various environments
async function getWebCrypto(): Promise<typeof window.crypto> {
// Browsers
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.crypto) {
if (!window.crypto.subtle?.digest) {
throw new Error(
"The context/environment is not secure, and does not support the 'crypto.subtle' module. See: for details"
return window.crypto;
// Web workers possibly
if (typeof self !== "undefined" && self.crypto) {
return self.crypto;
// Node
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const crypto = await import("crypto");
return crypto.webcrypto as typeof window.crypto;
This helps me to generate code verifier and code challenge without using any third party library.
Client side implementation, used Auth0 Provider for the auth server
Live Demo:
Dummy Credentials
User Email :
Password: xzH@$ubp25744Y9
Server Side Implementions ( used Next Js SSR)
Live Demo:
Dummy Credentials
User Email :
Password: xzH@$ubp25744Y9