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1.0.14 • Public • Published


A Node.js solution for auditing website health through sitemap analysis. It's designed for SEO audits, identifying broken links, and detecting network errors, including blocked network requests, leveraging Playwright for browser automation.


  • 🔍 Sitemap Analysis: - Extract and validate URLs from XML sitemaps
  • 🚨 Error Detection: - Identify 400+ HTTP status codes and network failures
  • ⚡ Concurrent Processing: - Smart semaphore-based request throttling
  • 📊 JSON Reporting: - Structured output for CI/CD integration
  • 🌐 Cross-Platform Support: - Works with Playwright.
  • 🔄 Auto-Scroll Simulation: - Trigger dynamic content loading
  • 🔧 Configurable Thresholds: - Customize batch sizes and connection limits

📦 Installation

1️⃣ Clone the Repository

npm install sitemap-audit

Peer Dependencies (install as needed):

npm install playwright

⚙️ Configuration

You can modify the configuration in index.js or pass values via environment variables.

Option Default Value Description
resultsFolder "results" Folder where JSON reports are saved.
batchSize 20 Number of URLs processed at a time.
maxConnections 50 Max concurrent HTTP requests.


1️⃣ Checking URLs from a Sitemap

To check for 400+ HTTP errors, using playwright refer to the below example:

import SiteChecker from "sitemap-audit";
import { test, chromium } from "@playwright/test";

const checker = new SiteChecker();

test("Validate and monitor sitemap URLs", async () => {
  test.setTimeout(40000_00); // Provide timeout only if the amount of urls being checked is greater than 200
  const browser = await chromium.launch();
  const context = await browser.newContext();

  // Generate urls from the sitemap.xml
  const urls = await checker.fetchAndSplitUrls(

  // Check URL statuses
  await checker.checkUrlStatus(urls);

  // Monitor network requests
  await checker.checkAllNetworkRequests(context, urls.slice(0, 20));
  await browser.close();

💾 Output Structure:

Results are saved in results/non-200-responses.json and results/network-failures.json.

results/non-200-responses.json would be save in the following format

  { "url": "", "status": 404 },
  { "url": "", "status": 500 }

results/network-failures.json would be save in the following format

    "url": "",
    "status": 403,
    "resourceType": "fetch",
    "initiatingPage": ""

📚 API Reference:

fetchAndSplitUrls(sitemapUrl: string): Promise<string[]>
  • Fetches and parses sitemap XML
  • Returns array of validated URLs
checkUrlStatus(urls: string[]): Promise<void>
  • Checks HTTP status codes for URLs
  • Saves results to non-200-responses.json
checkAllNetworkRequests(context: BrowserContext, urls: string[]): Promise<void>
  • Analyzes network requests during page loads
  • Saves resource failures to network-failures.json


Common Issues:

Missing Dependencies: Ensure required browsers drivers are installed

npm install playwright

Timeout Errors: Increase test timeout for large sitemaps

test.setTimeout(120000); // 2-minute timeout

🤝 Contributing

Pull requests welcome! Please follow:

  • Create feature branch from main
  • Include test coverage
  • Update documentation

📄 License

MIT © Vipin Cheruvallil

For detailed implementation examples and issue tracking, visit our GitHub Repository.

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (4)

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  • vipinc09