Simple js lightweight module for window events based on RxJs - handles resize and scroll events.
- Install RxJs
- Import sky-window
SkyWindow.resize.subscribe(() => {
// On resize do what I type here
SkyWindow.scroll.subscribe(() => {
// On scroll do what I type here
How it works
Sky-window uses hot observbles by invoking .share
which is the same as .publish().refCount()
. This means that when at least one instance is listening til e.g. resize it will run, but if refcount is 0 it will automaticly be unsubscribed. In addition resize will only fire 100ms after the last resize event.
resize: Observable.fromEvent(window, 'resize').share().debounce(() => Observable.timer(100)),
scroll: Observable.fromEvent(window, 'scroll').share(),
This module is made by the Frontenders at Feel free to use it in any way you want. Feedback, questions and bugreports should be posted as issues. Pull-requests appreciated!