Make the output smoother~ (commonly used for handling SSE text output scenarios)
SmoothOutput is a utility class designed to smoothly output strings at a controlled pace. It supports output animation using either requestAnimationFrame (RAF) or a timer.
npm install smooth-output
- automatically adjust the output speed according to the rate of input.
- support random output pauses to simulate human typing and thinking.
- not limited to a framework (e.g. React, Vue).
- support Node.js and browser environments.
- easy to use.
new SmoothOutput(output: (output: string) => void, options?: {
fps?: number;
useRAF?: boolean;
minStepTime?: number;
maxStepTime?: number;
randomStepTimeMaxDiff?: number;
inputType?: PutType;
outputType?: PutType;
- output (function): A callback function to receive the output string at each step.
- fps (number, optional): Frames per second, controlling the update frequency of the output. Default is 40.
- useRAF (boolean, optional): Whether to use requestAnimationFrame for output updates. Default is true.
- minStepTime (number, optional): Minimum time to digest an input in milliseconds. Default is 100.
- maxStepTime (number, optional): Maximum time to digest an input in milliseconds. Default is 2000.
- randomStepTimeMaxDiff (number, optional): The maximum random reduction value of the time to digest an input (used for random output pauses to simulate human typing and thinking) in milliseconds. Default is 200.
- inputType (PutType, optional): Input type, can be "full" or "slice". Default is "slice".
- outputType (PutType, optional): Output type, can be "full" or "slice". Default is "full".
input(str: string): void
Inputs a string and smoothly outputs it according to the configured pacing parameters.
async beDisposed(): Promise<void>
Mark the instance as disposed. It is not necessary to call this function, but calling this function will get an output end Promise.
import SmoothOutput from 'smooth-output';
const so = new SmoothOutput((output) => {
console.log('output', output);
so.input('Hello, world! ');
setTimeout(() => {
so.input('This is a test.');
}, 1000);
// console log may be:
// output Hell
// output Hello, w
// ...
// output Hello, world!
// output Hello, world! T
// output Hello, world! Th
// output Hello, world! Thi
// ...
// output Hello, world! This is a test.