This package has been deprecated

Author message:

This package has been merged with @solidstate/contracts, and is no longer maintained.


1.0.2 • Public • Published

Solidity AutoDeployer

Solidity utility functions which allow a contract to deploy a copy of itself.

Using the new keyword for this purpose will result in a compilation error:

Circular reference for contract creation (cannot create instance of derived or same contract).

This repository was generated from a template or is the template itself. For more information, see docs/


Install the package:

yarn add --dev solidity-auto-deployer
# or 
npm install --save-dev solidity-auto-deployer

Import and inherit from the contract:

import 'solidity-auto-deployer/contracts/AutoDeployer.sol';
contract Factory is AutoDeployer {}

Call the _autoDeploy function to deploy a copy of the calling contract to a new address. If a salt is provided, the clone will be deployed via the CREATE2 opcode, allowing for counterfactual deployment:

event Deployment(address clone);
function autoDeploy () external {
  address clone = _autoDeploy();
  emit Deployment(clone);
function autoDeploy (uint salt) external {
  address clone = _autoDeploy(salt);
  emit Deployment(clone);

Predict an address for counterfactual deployment:

function calculateDeploymentAddress (uint salt) external view returns (address) {

Note that the deployment mechanism a clone contract's constructor is not called and variables assignments outside of functions have no effect.


If a contract deployed by AutoDeployer is able to call the selfdestruct function and the salt used in its deployment is able to be reused, it will have some properties of metamorphic contracts. See 0age/metamorphic for information about the implications.


Install dependencies via Yarn:

yarn install

Compile contracts via Buidler:

yarn run buidler compile


By default, Buidler uses the BuidlerEVM.

To use Ganache, append commands with --network localhost, after having started ganache-cli in a separate process:

yarn run ganache-cli

To use an external network via URL, set the URL environment variable and append commands with --network generic:

URL="[INFURA_KEY]" yarn run buidler test --network generic


Test contracts via Buidler:

yarn run buidler test

If using a supported network (such as Ganache), activate gas usage reporting by setting the REPORT_GAS environment variable to true:

REPORT_GAS=true yarn run buidler test --network localhost

Generate a code coverage report for Solidity contracts:

yarn run buidler coverage


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  • itsnickbarry