string-parse 0.0.1
A small module for parsing strings.
The string parsing can consist of stripping certain characters, splitting the string on certain characters and handling blocks (for instance strings within quotes)
var stringParse = ; /*var parseOptions = { blocks: { stopTag: { start: '</', stop: '>', split: ' ', ignoreEmpty: true }, startTag: { start: '<', stop: '>', split: ' ', ignoreEmpty: true, blocks: { expression: { '@ref': '/blocks/expression' }, quotes: { start: '\'', end: '\'', escapedStop: '\\\'' }, doubleQuotes: { start: '"', end: '"', escapedStop: '\\"' } } }, expression: { start: '{{', escapedStart: '{{{', stop: '}}', escapedStop: '}}}', removeStarStop: true, handle: function(block) { console.log(block); return block; }, reparse: true } }, debug: true};*/ var parseOptions = blocks: stopTag: start: '</' stop: '>' split: ' ' ignoreEmpty: true startTag: start: '<' stop: '>' removeStartStop: true split: /^/ storeSplit: true ignoreEmpty: true { console; return block; } blocks: expression: start: '{{' escapedStart: '{{{' stop: '}}' escapedStop: '}}}' split: ' ' removeStartStop: true { console; return block; } reparse: true quotes: start: '\'' stop: '\'' escapedStop: '\\\'' blocks: expression: start: '{{' escapedStart: '{{{' stop: '}}' escapedStop: '}}}' split: ' ' removeStartStop: true { console; return block; } reparse: true doubleQuotes: start: '"' stop: '"' escapedStop: '\\"' removeStartStop: true blocks: expression: start: '{{' escapedStart: '{{{' stop: '}}' escapedStop: '}}}' split: ' ' removeStartStop: true { console; return block; } reparse: true expression: start: '{{' escapedStart: '{{{' stop: '}}' escapedStop: '}}}' split: ' ' removeStartStop: true { console; return block; } reparse: true debug: 1; console;