capitalize capitalize first letter and lowercase others.
capitalize("HELLO WORLD!")
> Hello world!
noSpace remove all spaces.
noSpace("Hel l o w o r l d !")
> Helloworld!
escape remove all non-alphanumeric characters.
escape("Hell_o, = W0r1d!")
> HelloW0r1d
escapeSimple remove all non-alphanumeric characters but preserv spaces.
escapeSimple("Hell_o, = W0r1d!")
> Hello W0r1d
kebab convert string to kebabCase.
kebab(" Hello world")
> hello-world
oneSpace replace multiple spaces with one space.
oneSpace("Hello wolrd")
> Hello world
elaps replace spaces, breaklines and tabs with one space.
elaps("hey this is\n some string")
> hey this is some string
validateURL validate a url, return false or true.
> true
> true
> true
> false
trimTo trim a text to a specific count, takes three params, trimTo(string, count, dotsCount)
- string: text
- count: where to cut the string
- dotsCount (optional): add three dots at the end if string length is bigger than dotsCount, if not specified default is 100 character.
trimTo(string, count)
trimTo("hello world", 5)
> hello
if original string length is bigger than or equal to 9 add three dots at the end.
trimTo("123456789", 5, 9)
> 12345...
trimToSimple return an array with two values,
- first is: the trimed text .
- what left in the text.
can be usefull creating readmore functionality.
trimToSimple("this is some text", 10)
> [ 'this is so', 'me text' ]