When using libs like colors your shell is beautifull but if you store the result in a file, it's not so good :-/
$ vim myLog
20120413045946 ^[[34mdebug: ^[[39m […n/my-service] Starting my-service on in dev mode·
20120413045946 ^[[34mdebug: ^[[39m […n/my-service] my-service started.·
You have all those ugly codes ^[[34m
everywhere in your logs.
STOP worring about this, use StripColorCodes !
$ npm install -g stripcolorcodes
You can use it with unix pipe:
$ cat /root/.forever/T9ZW.log | stripcolorcodes
20120413045946 debug: […n/my-service] Starting my-service on in dev mode
20120413045946 debug: […n/my-service] my-service started.
Or with a file:
$ stripcolorcodes /root/.forever/T9ZW.log
20120413045946 debug: […n/my-service] Starting my-service on in dev mode
20120413045946 debug: […n/my-service] my-service started.
Or programmatically:
var stripColorCodes = require('stripcolorcodes');
fs.readFile(file, function(err, data){
if(err) return console.error(err);
Enjoy !