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1.0.3 • Public • Published


Swirl React is a collection of custom React hooks designed to simplify API requests and enhance data fetching in your React applications.

These hooks provide an elegant and efficient way to perform HTTP requests using various HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE. Each hook encapsulates the logic required for making the respective request, managing loading states, handling errors, and optionally caching responses.

The useGet hook is designed to follow the SWR (stale while revalidating) pattern, which is a popular strategy for data fetching in React applications. This pattern ensures that data is served from a local cache (stale) while simultaneously making a new request to the server (revalidating) to fetch the latest data. The 'swirl' concept derives its name from a playful extension of SWR to SWRL and then to swirl, reflecting the library's intention to provide a seamless and efficient approach to data fetching and management, mirroring the familiar SWR pattern.

Table of Contents


You can install swirl-react using npm or yarn:

npm install swirl-react
yarn add swirl-react



The useGet hook allows you to perform GET requests and manage the corresponding data, loading state, errors, and caching. It's particularly useful for fetching data from a remote API endpoint.

It facilitates data fetching through the GET HTTP method while embracing the SWR (stale while revalidating) pattern. This pattern, also known as the 'swirl' approach, ensures an optimal balance between immediate data display and fetching the most up-to-date information from the server.


Note that these are all optional. Use them as needed.

Parameter Type Description Default
url string The URL to fetch data from. -
options object Additional options for the request. -
parameters object Query parameters for the request URL. null
disableCache boolean Disable caching of the response. false
throttleInterval number Throttle interval for consecutive requests. 2000 (2 seconds)
options object Additional fetch request options. {}


The useGet hook returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
data T | null The fetched data or null if no data has been fetched yet.
isLoading boolean A boolean indicating whether the request is currently loading.
error RequestError | null An error object if the request encounters an error, otherwise null.
statusCode number | null The HTTP status code of the response, or null if no response has been received.
trigger function A function to manually trigger the GET request.

Simple sample

Assuming you have an API endpoint that returns the following:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Today was a good day",
  "body": "I woke up early and had a great breakfast."

You can use swirl to fetch the data as follows:

import React from 'react';
import { useGet } from 'swirl-react';

export default function PostsPage() {
  // Define the URL for the GET request
  const apiUrl = 'https://api.example.com/posts/1';

  // Use the useGet hook to fetch data
  const { data, isLoading, error, statusCode, trigger } = useGet(apiUrl);

  return (

      {/* Loading state */}
      {isLoading && <p>Loading...</p>}

      {/* Error state */}
      {error && <p>Error: {error.message}</p>}

      {/* Success state */}
      {data && (
          {/* Use trigger function to re-launch the request */}
          <button onClick={trigger}>Refresh Posts</button>

          {/* Display fetched data */}

          {/* Display status code */}
          {statusCode && <p>Status Code: {statusCode}</p>}

Sample with parameters

import React from 'react';
import { useGet } from 'swirl-react';

export default function PostsPageWithParameters() {
  // Define the URL for the GET request
  const apiUrl = 'https://api.example.com/posts';

  // Use the useGet hook to fetch data with parameters
  const { data, isLoading, error, statusCode, trigger } = useGet(apiUrl, {
    // Optionally define query parameters
    parameters: {
      category: 'technology',
      limit: 10,
    // Optionally define additional fetch options
    options: {
        headers: {
        Authorization: 'Bearer your_access_token',
      credentials: 'include',

  // ... use in template

In this example, the data, isLoading, and error states are used to conditionally render different content based on the state of the request:

  • If isLoading is true, it displays a "Loading..." message.
  • If error is not null, it displays an error message with the error details.
  • If data is not null, it displays the fetched data along with a button to manually trigger a refresh and the HTTP status code of the response.


The usePost hook allows you to perform POST requests and manage the corresponding data sending, loading state, errors, and more. It's particularly useful for sending data to a remote API endpoint.


Parameter Type Description Default
url string The URL to send the POST request to. -
body any The data to send in the request body. -
parameters object Query parameters for the request URL. {}
options object Additional options for the request. {}


The usePost hook returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
data T | null The response data or null if no data has been received yet.
isLoading boolean A boolean indicating whether the request is currently loading.
error RequestError | null An error object if the request encounters an error, otherwise null.
statusCode number | null The HTTP status code of the response, or null if no response has been received.
sendData function A function that can be called to manually trigger the POST request with new data.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { usePost } from 'swirl-react';

export default function CreatePostPage() {
  // State for input fields
  const [title, setTitle] = useState('');
  const [body, setBody] = useState('');

  // Use the usePost hook to send the POST request
  const { data, isLoading, error, statusCode, trigger } = usePost({
    // Define the URL for the POST request
    url: 'https://api.example.com/posts',
    // Define the request POST body
    body: {

  return (
      <h1>Create Post</h1>

      {/* Display loading state */}
      {isLoading && <p>Sending...</p>}

      {/* Display error state */}
      {error && <p>Error: {error.message}</p>}

      {/* Display success state */}
      {data && (
          <p>Post created successfully!</p>
          <p>Post ID: {data.id}</p>
          <p>Title: {data.title}</p>
          <p>Body: {data.body}</p>

      {/* Input fields */}
          onChange={(e) => {
          onChange={(e) => {

      {/* Create post button */}
      <button onClick={trigger} disabled={isLoading}>
        Create Post


The usePatch hook allows you to perform PATCH requests, similar to usePost and other idempotent hooks. It provides similar functionality for sending data to a remote API endpoint and managing the response.


Parameter Type Description Default
url string The URL to send the PATCH request to. -
body any The data to send in the request body. -
parameters object Query parameters to include in the request URL. {}
options object Additional options for the request. {}


The usePatch hook returns an object with properties similar to other hooks:

Property Type Description
data T | null The response data or null if no data has been received yet.
isLoading boolean A boolean indicating whether the request is currently loading.
error RequestError | null An error object if the request encounters an error, otherwise null.
statusCode number | null The HTTP status code of the response, or null if no response has been received.
sendData function A function that can be called to manually trigger the PATCH request with new data.


The usePut hook allows you to perform PUT requests, similar to usePost and other idempotent hooks. It provides similar functionality for sending data to a remote API endpoint and managing the response.


Parameter Type Description Default
url string The URL to send the PUT request to. -
body any The data to send in the request body. -
parameters object Query parameters to include in the request URL. {}
options object Additional options for the request. {}


The usePut hook returns an object with properties similar to other hooks:

Property Type Description
data T | null The response data or null if no data has been received yet.
isLoading boolean A boolean indicating whether the request is currently loading.
error RequestError | null An error object if the request encounters an error, otherwise null.
statusCode number | null The HTTP status code of the response, or null if no response has been received.
sendData function A function that can be called to manually trigger the PUT request with new data.


The useDelete hook allows you to perform DELETE requests, similar to other idempotent hooks. It provides similar functionality for sending data to a remote API endpoint and managing the response.


Parameter Type Description Default
url string The URL to send the DELETE request to. -
parameters object Query parameters to include in the request URL. {}
options object Additional options for the request. {}


The useDelete hook returns an object with properties similar to other hooks:

Property Type Description
data T | null The response data or null if no data has been received yet.
isLoading boolean A boolean indicating whether the request is currently loading.
error RequestError | null An error object if the request encounters an error, otherwise null.
statusCode number | null The HTTP status code of the response, or null if no response has been received.
sendData function A function that can be called to manually trigger the DELETE request.


Each hook accepts a set of optional options object to customize the behavior of the request. These options include:

Option Type Description
headers object Headers to include in the request.
mode string The request mode (e.g., "cors", "no-cors").
credentials string The request credentials (e.g., "same-origin").
cache string The caching strategy for the request.
redirect string The redirect mode (e.g., "follow", "error").
referrer string The referrer of the request.
referrerPolicy string The referrer policy for the request.
integrity string The subresource integrity value for the request.

These options allow you to customize headers, mode, credentials, caching, and more. Refer to the documentation for the fetch function in the MDN Web Docs for more details.


Contributions to swirl-react are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and distribute as you see fit.


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