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1.2.4 • Public • Published

Teko File History

A library for creating a file history web page used for Teko system.



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Designed for React applications, the library consists of 2 separated Antd v4 - based components: Table and Uploader

The library has its own mechanism to fetch configs from server. In order to get server config, you need to provide clientId, env and getAccessToken to the library. Configs from server will overwrite client config.

1. Props list

Base props

Prop Type Required? Description
language string true Current language, accepted values [vi, en]
env string false Current environment in uppercase, accept [DEV, STAG, PROD]
clientId number false FPS client ID, if undefined, can't get FPS client config
accessToken string false (Deprecated since 1.2.0) Access token with Bearer prefix, used for fetching APIs
isOverwriteDBConfig boolean false Overwrite the configs from server by the component's props
classNames object false Custom classnames for the component, detail below
tableProps object false Custom props for the table component, detail below
uploaderProps object false Custom props for the uploader component, detail below
downloadFile function false Custom download function
getAccessToken function false Function to get parent's access token, require prefix Bearer in the result
extra ReactNode false Extra component rendered below the Uploader

Table props

The table component wraps Antd Table, so it will inherit Antd Table props, besides that we have:

Prop Type Default Overwritten by DB Description
isShowDebug boolean true yes Show debug button and modal on dev and stag require env prop to work
isShowCreatedBy boolean true yes Show created by column
isShowReload boolean true yes Show reload button
tableTitle string undefined no Title of the table
onReload function undefined no Reload function, required if you use your own BFF for fetching data
dateFormat string "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss" no Date time format
orderColumn string[] undefined no Customize table's column order, accept [id, name, createdAt, status, progressStatus]

Uploader props

The uploader component also wraps Antd Upload, similarly, we have these extra props:

Prop Type Default Overwritten by DB Description
importFileTemplateUrl string undefined yes URL to download the import file template, if no value found, the download template button will be hidden
maxFileSize number 5 yes Maximum accepted file size in MB
inputFileTypes string[] ['xlsx'] yes Accepted file types, accepted values [xlsx, xls, csv]
isShowUploader boolean true no Show uploader component
uploaderPosition string 'right' no Uploader position, accepted values [left, right]
onUploadFile function undefined no Custom upload file function, triggered on confirm upload file
downloadTemplateButton ReactNode undefined no Custom download template button, if no value found, the default button will be shown
parameters object undefined no Additional parameters for the upload API

2. Features and their required props/ alternative usage

1. Fetching import history

  • Required props: env, clientId, getAccessToken
  • Alternative usage: pass dataSource and reload to tableProps

DB interfaces:

type ProcessingFile = {
  clientId: number;
  processingFileId?: number;
  fileDisplayName: string;
  errorDisplay?: string;
  fileUrl: string; // Uploaded file url
  resultFileUrl?: string; // Processed file url
  status: string; // INIT, PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAILED
  statsTotalRow: number;
  statsTotalSuccess: number;
  statsTotalProcessed: number;
  createdAt: number;
  createdBy: string;
  finishedAt?: number;

2. Download file

  • Required props: env, getAccessToken
  • Alternative usage: pass downloadFile to FileImportHistory

3. Upload file

  • Required props: env, clientId, getAccessToken
  • Alternative usage: using your own Uploader

4. Debug modal

  • Required props: env, getAccessToken
  • Alternative usage: hide it by setting isShowDebug to false

3. Understand about styling

The library does not have its own styling. It adds classnames to the components, and apply the style from the parent application.

You can overwrite the default classnames by passing the classNames prop to the component.

import { FileImportHistory } from 'teko-file-history';

return <FileImportHistory classNames={{ ...customClassNames }} />;

List of classNames in the library:

ClassName Type Default Description
displayFlex string d-flex Apply display: flex
flexColumn string flex-column Apply flex-direction: column
gapBase string gap-base Apply gap: x x based on your application
gapHalf string gap-half Apply gap: x x based on your application
marginBottomZero string mb-0 Apply margin-bottom: 0
marginTopHalf string mt-half Apply margin-top: x x based on your application
marginHorizontalBase string mx-base Apply margin-left: x and margin-right: x x based on your application
paddingHorizontalBase string px-base Apply padding-left: x and padding-right: x x based on your application
paddingVerticalBase string py-base Apply padding-top: x and padding-bottom: x x based on your application
textErrorColor string text-error Apply color: #xxx text error color
textPrimaryColor string text-primary Apply color: #xxx primary color of the application

4. Implementation examples

1. Using full FPS flow

import { FileImportHistory } from 'teko-file-history';

return (
   * Let the component do everything 🤸‍♂️
   * From fetching data to file handling, validation, and download 🤝
    getAccessToken={() => `Bearer ${getAccessToken()}`}
     * Customize your component like a pro 🤷‍♂️
      dateFormat: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss',
      orderColumn: ['id', 'name', 'createdAt', 'status', 'progressStatus'],
      importFileTemplateUrl: 'https://example.com/import-file-template.xlsx',
      maxFileSize: 5,
      inputFileTypes: ['xlsx', 'xls', 'csv'],
      onUploadFile: (file, setFile) => {
        // Your upload file logic, it got triggered when you click submit button

2. You control your own data

import { FileImportHistory } from 'teko-file-history';

const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

return (
    getAccessToken={() => `Bearer ${getAccessToken()}`}
     * Just like that, you don't have to worry about clientId anymore 🦈
     * But beware, you can't use our default uploader this way, try using onUploadFile 🤷‍♂️
      dataSource, // Your data 🤸‍♂️
      pagination, // Your pagination 🤸‍♂️
      loading, // Loading state for table and reload button 🌪
      onReload: () => {},
      onUploadFile: (file, setFile) => {
        // Your upload file logic, it got triggered when you click submit button

3. You only need the table thing, and you control your own data

import { FileImportHistory } from 'teko-file-history';

const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

return (
      isShowUploader: false,
      dataSource, // Your data 🤸‍♂️
      pagination, // Your pagination 🤸‍♂️
      loading, // Loading state for table and reload button 🌪
      onReload: () => {},
    downloadFile={(url: string) => onDownloadFile(url)} // Your download function 🤷‍♂️



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  • nam.nv-teko