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0.0.20 • Public • Published

Terminal Component ⬛ Termical

This is not an advanced terminal, it's just a simple terminal component that can be used in any React app, for more advanced terminal, check out xterm.js

  • ✅ Typescript
  • ✅ Fully customizable
  • ✅ Persisted history
  • ⚙️ Auto complete
  • 🎨 Themable
  • 😞 ReactJS only


npm install termical
pnpm add termical
yarn add termical


  • Line - A line in the terminal.
  • Stack - An executed command history stack.


import { Terminal } from "termical";

const Demo = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: 400 }}>
      <Terminal {...props} />

// OR
import { Root, Header, Body } from "termical";

const Demo = () => {
  const HEADER_HEIGHT = 24;
  return (
    <div style={{ height: 400 }}>
      <Root {...rootProps}>
        <Header {...headerProps} h={HEADER_HEIGHT} />
        <Body {...bodyProps} topOffset={HEADER_HEIGHT} />

Add Commands

import { Terminal } from "termical";

const Demo = () => {
  const commands = [
      text: "hello",
      description: "Say Hello!!",
      action({ value, ctx }) {
          content: `Hey 👋👋👋`,
          id: Math.random().toString(),
          timestamp: new Date(),
  return <Terminal commands={commands} />;


import { useTerminal } from "termical"

const Demo = () => {
  const { line, stack } = useTerminal();


  // same for stack

  return <div>...</div>;

Default Commands

  • help - Show all commands
  • history - Show command history
  • clear - Clear the terminal
  • clear history - Clear command history
  • Note: You can override a default command by adding a command with the same text property


import { Terminal } from "termical";

const Demo = () => {
  const theme = {
    header: {
      text: {
        color: "#facc15",
      container: {
        backgroundColor: "#14532d",
    body: {
      container: {
        backgroundColor: "#15803d",
        color: "#fde047",
      scrollbar: {
        thumb: {
          backgroundColor: "#ca8a04",
        track: {
          background: "#15803d",
      scrollArea: {
        paddingLeft: 12,
        paddingRight: 12,
  return <Terminal theme={theme} />;



Name Default Description Type
theme defaultTheme Theme object Theme
title Ubuntu Terminal title string or ReactNode
headerHeight 24 Header height number
onClose Callback when close button clicked (e) => void
onMinimize Callback when minimize button clicked (e) => void
onZoom Callback when zoom button clicked (e) => void
prefix > guest@ubuntu:~$ Input prefix string or ReactNode
onMissing Callback when command not found (args: ActionArgs) => void or Promise
commands List of commands Command[]
children Intro message ReactNode


Name Description Type
styles Root Styles RootStyles
bodyProps Body Props BodyProps
headerProps Header Props HeaderProps


Name Description Type
styles Header Styles HeaderStyles
onClose Callback when close button clicked (e) => void
onMinimize Callback when minimize button clicked (e) => void
onZoom Callback when zoom button clicked (e) => void
h Header height number
children Terminal title string or ReactNode


Name Description Type
styles Body Styles BodyStyles
commands List of commands Command[]
prefix Input prefix string or ReactNode
onMissing Callback when command not found (args: ActionArgs) => void or Promise
topOffset Top offset number
children Intro message ReactNode


type Theme = {
  header?: {
    text?: CSSObject;
    container?: CSSObject;
  body?: {
    container?: CSSObject;
    scrollbar?: {
      thumb?: CSSObject;
      track?: CSSObject;
    scrollArea?: CSSObject;

type Line = {
  id: string;
  content: string | React.ReactNode;
  timestamp: Date;
type Stack = {
  text: string;
  timestamp: Date;
type Command = {
  text: string;
  action: (args: ActionArgs) => void | Promise<void>;
  exact?: boolean;
  description?: string;

type Context = {
  commands: Command[];
  lines: Line[];
  stacks: Stack[];
  line: LinesState;
  stack: StacksState;

type ActionArgs = {
  value: string;
  event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
  ctx: Context;

Styles API Interface

type RootStyles = {
  container?: CSSObject;
type HeaderStyles = {
  root?: CSSObject;
  title?: CSSObject;
  close?: CSSObject;
  minimize?: CSSObject;
  zoom?: CSSObject;

type BodyStyles = {
  container?: CSSObject;
  scrollArea?: CSSObject;
  input?: CSSObject;
  node?: CSSObject;


Fullscreen terminal

const Demo = () => {
  // without container height, the terminal will be fullscreen
  return <Terminal />;

// OR
const Demo = () => {
  const HEADER_HEIGHT = 24;
  return (
        position: "absolute",
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        top: 0,
        <Header h={HEADER_HEIGHT} />
        <Body topOffset={HEADER_HEIGHT} />

Add intro message

const Demo = () => {
  return (
      <p>Hello 👋!!</p>

// OR
const Demo = () => {
  const HEADER_HEIGHT = 24;
  return (
      <Header h={HEADER_HEIGHT} />
      <Body topOffset={HEADER_HEIGHT}>
        <p>Hello 👋!!</p>

Clearable intro message

Note: the intro message will get added twice in development mode if you're on react@18.x.x

const { line } = useTerminal();

useEffect(() => {
  let intro = line.lines.find((line) => line.id === "intro");

  if (!intro) {
      id: "intro",
      content: (
            😌 It will be nice to execute your commands here. <br />
            <br />
            Type <em>help</em> to see available commands.
      timestamp: new Date(),
}, []);

// 😌 It will be nice to execute your commands here.
// Type _help_ to see available commands.
// > :~$

The power of line.update()

In this example we used line.update() from useTerminal to create a a hook that will update a line every delay milliseconds.

  • it will create a line with id flashy_message if it doesn't exist
  • it will update the line with id flashy_message with the next number
  • update will be called every delay milliseconds
import { useTerminal } from "termical";

const useFlashyMessage = (delay: number | null) => {
  const id = "flashy_message";

  const { line } = useTerminal();

  // https://usehooks-ts.com/react-hook/use-interval
  useInterval(() => {
    let inLine = line.lines.find((line) => line.id === id)?.content;
    if (!inLine) {
        content: " ",
        timestamp: new Date(),

      inLine = line.lines.find((line) => line.id === id)?.content;
    const message = (Number(inLine) + 1).toString();

    line.update(id, {
      content: isNaN(Number(message)) ? "0" : message,
  }, delay);

// Usage
const Demo = () => {
  const [delay, setDelay] = useState(null);
  // we set `delay` to null to stop the interval until we
  // decide to start it


  return (
        <p>Hello 👋!!</p>
      <button onClick={() => setDelay(1000)}>Start</button>
      <button onClick={() => setDelay(null)}>Stop</button>

command with --options

To handle commands with options, we can use exact: false and parse the value.

const commands = [
    text: "hello",
    description: "Say Hello!!",
    exact: false,
    action({ value, ctx }) {
      const _value = value.replace("hello ", "✨")

        content: `Hey ${_value}✨!`,
        id: Math.random().toString(),
        timestamp: new Date(),

// :~$ hello world
// Hey ✨world✨!

Executing another command

const commands = [
    text: "hey",
    description: "Mirror 'hello' command",
    action(args) {
        .find((command) => command.text === "hello")

Use as a log viewer

We will create a custom hook to make life easier.

const useLog = () => {
  const { line } = useTerminal();

  return {
    log: (content: string | React.ReactNode) => {
        id: Math.random().toString(),
        timestamp: new Date(),
    Terminal: () => (
        <Body topOffset={0} prefix="" />

const Demo = () => {
  const { log, Terminal } = useLog();
  log("Hello World!");

  return (
      <Terminal />

      <button onClick={() => log("👋👋 Hello World!")}>Say Hello</button>

// result
// Hello World!
// 👋👋 Hello World! <--- after clicking the button
// 👋👋 Hello World! <--- after clicking the button again

No persistent history

const { line, stack } = useTerminal();

useEffect(() => {

  // also reset the history
  // stack.reset();
}, []);

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  • norassys