makes it easier to create streams2 Writable streams. You can either use it like through2
to eliminate subclassing boilerplate, or use one of the provided helper terminus streams.
var terminus = var through2 = var spigot = // Streams2 all the way down... { this } { // This example is very contrived, you're likely better off directly piping to `process.stdout` console } /*MYDOGHASFLEAS*/ // devnull var spy = /*mydoghasfleas*/ // concat { console} /*saelf sah god ym*/ // tail var chunkLengths = { chunkLengths} var ws = terminusws /*[ 3, 4, 4, 5 ]*/ // objectMode var s = { recordfoo *= 2 this } { console} s /*[ { foo: 2 }, { foo: 4 }, { foo: 6 }, { foo: 8 } ]*/
terminus([options,] _writeFunction)
Create a streams.Writable
instance that will call _writeFunction
on every chunk. Consult the stream.Writable documentation for instructions on creating a _write
terminus.ctor([options,] _writeFunction)
Create a streams.Writable
Subclass that can be used to re-create stream.Writable instances with the same _writeFunction.
Create a stream.Writable
instance that is akin to writing to dev/null
i.e. it doesn't do anything except give your stream somewhere to go.
Why? Because if your pipeline doesn't terminate on a Writable stream, it will get paused at the High Water Mark with nothing to unpause it. I've most often seen this when people are using PassThrough streams, or Transforms that incorporate all required behavior.
terminus.concat([options], fn)
Collect the entire stream and when it is done, call fn(contents)
. This is similar to the stream behavior of concat-stream without the extra Array/Buffer concat behavior and entirely in streams2.
terminus.tail([options], fn)
A slightly less complicated version of terminus([options,] _writeFunction)
that only requries you to provide a function that operates as fn(chunk, encoding)
All functions accept standard streams.Writable
options, that is:
- highWaterMark
Buffer level when write() starts returning false.Default=16kb
- decodeStrings
Whether not to decode strings into Buffers before passing them to _write()Default=true
- objectMode
If the content is Javascript objects versus strings/buffers.Default=false
The most common option you'll be setting is objectMode
which will enable you to stream Javascript objects, e.g. records. Unfortunately this is currently required and ALL streams2 parts of your stream pipeline must be in objectMode
or you'll get errors. It's annoying, I know.