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Angular 2 native select 2 implementation based on bootstrap 3

  • Easily filter on a remote webservice (can be used with a local list too)
  • Works with ids or complete entities
  • Single or multiple modes
  • Forms integration
  • MIT License

Take a look at the demo page

Usage example:


import { IqSelect2Module } from 'ng2-iq-select2';

    declarations: [..],
    imports: [.., IqSelect2Module, ...],
    providers: [..]

html file

<form [formGroup]="form">
    <iq-select2 css="form-control input-sm"

html file (custom template)

<form [formGroup]="form">
  <iq-select2 css="form-control input-sm"
    <div *iq-select2-template="let item = $entity; let i = $index">
      <span [style.color]="item.color">[{{item.code}}]</span> {{item.name}}

Exposed internal variable to bind $item, $entity, $id, $index

example typescript file

export class Example {
    form: FormGroup;
    listCountries: (term: string) => Observable<Country[]>;
    loadFromIds: (ids: string[]) => Observable<Country[]>;
    adapter: (entity: Country) => IqSelect2Item;
    constructor(private countriesService: CountryService,
                private formBuilder: FormBuilder){

    ngOnInit() {
        this.listCountries = (term: string) => this.countriesService.listCountries(term);
        this.loadFromIds = (ids: string[]) => this.countriesService.loadCountriesFromIds(ids);
        this.adapter = (country: Country) => {
            return {
                id: country.id,
                text: country.name,
                entity: country
        this.form = this.formBuilder.group({
            country: null


interface IqSelect2Item {
    id: string;
    text: string;
    entity?: any; // only needed when referenceMode === 'entity'


export class Messages {

     static readonly PARTIAL_COUNT_VAR; // Variable to be replaced by the amount of results being shown
     static readonly TOTAL_COUNT_VAR; // Variable to be replaced by the total count of results

    moreResultsAvailableMsg?: string;
    noResultsAvailableMsg?: string;

Configuration options (Inputs and Outputs)

@Input() dataSourceProvider: (term: string) => Observable<IqSelect2Item[]>: the function to get the data based on user input

@Input() selectedProvider: (ids: string[]) => Observable<IqSelect2Item[]>: the function to get previously selected data when referenceMode === 'id'

@Input() iqSelect2ItemAdapter: (entity: T) => IqSelect2Item: the function to adapt any entity to a IqSelect2Item

@Input() referenceMode: 'id' | 'entity'. Allows to specify if you need the whole entity or just the id.

@Input() multiple: 'true' | 'false'. Allows to select multiple options from the list. The form value is returned as an array.

@Input() clientMode: 'true' | 'false'. If set to true only one request will be sent to the data provider and subsequent searching will happen on the client.

@Input() searchDelay: ms until request is effectively triggered

@Input() placeholder: text to show until a search is performed

@Input() disabled: boolean to control the disabled state of the component

@Input() minimumInputLength: the minimum input length at which the component will request data to the provider

@Input() resultsCount: total count of results produced after entering the search term. A message suggesting further filtering will appear if the results count is greather than the result list shown

@Input() messages: Messages: class to provide custom messages to the component

@Input() css: css classes to be applied

@Input() searchIcon: css icon on the right of the input

@Input() deleteIcon: css icon to be used to remove selected option (In single mode)

+@Input() allowAddingNewItems: flag to control whether a user can type in a search term that is not in the result list

+@Input() caseSensitiveSelection: flag to control whether user-entered options are compared in a case-sensitive manner

@Output() onSelect(item: IqSelect2Item): event triggered when an item is selected

@Output() onRemove(item: IqSelect2Item): event triggered when an item is removed

Reference mode examples

// form.value example with referenceMode === 'id':
    'item': 1

// form.value example with referenceMode === 'entity':
    'item':  {
        'id': 1,
        'property1': 'value',

// form.value example with referenceMode === 'id' and multiple === 'true':
    'item': [1,2,3]

// form.value example with referenceMode === 'entity' and multiple === 'true':
    'item': [{
        'id': 1,
        'property1': 'value',
        'id': 2,
        'property1': 'value2',
        'id': 3,
        'property1': 'value3',




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