The component takes several prop values. These are shown below.
formSettings -- Takes a object as a shown below. NOTE: Keys indicate form labels.
Types: -- Default (text input) -- 'select' -- 'radio' -- 'textarea' -- 'datepicker' -- 'upload'
const formObject = { Name: { value: '', placeholder: 'Enter your name', required: true, }, Password: { value: '', placeholder: 'Enter your password', required: true, type: 'password' }, 'Select Gender': { values: ['Male', 'Female', 'Other'], value: 'Male', placeholder: 'Select your gender', type: 'select', required: true, }, 'User Type': { value: 'Admin', type: 'radio', values: ['Admin', 'User'], required: true, }, Note: { value: '', type: 'textarea', placeholder: 'Enter your note', required: true, height: '300px' }, 'Select Date': { value: '', type: 'datepicker', required: true }, 'Upload CV': { required: true, type: 'upload', value: '' } }
onSubmit -- It is triggered by the call to action button, and if the form is valid, it is the triggered function. Returns the filled form values as a object.
'Name': "Mert"
'Note': "Hello world."
'Password': "123456"
'Select Date': M {$L: 'en', $u: undefined, $d: Wed Feb 07 2024 17:41:17 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00), $y: 2024, $M: 1, …}
'Select Gender': "Male"
'User Type': "Admin",
'Upload CV': "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUKJb/3ov4K..."
NOTE: Date value returned as a 'moment' object.
- CTAButtonTitle -- Sets the text of the call to action button. By default it takes the value 'Submit'.
- inValidMessage -- Sets the message to be displayed in case the form is invalid. Default value; 'The fields shown are required! Please fill in.' is set to .
<TheForm formSettings={formObject} onSubmit={onSubmit} CTAButtonTitle="Submit Form!" />
const onSubmit = (form) => {
console.log('submitted', form);
// You can make API requests here with 'form'
NOTE: If you experience any problems or have any suggestions, I would be happy if you open a github issue. Thanks.