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1.0.6 • Public • Published

TikTok SDK

A simple SDK for interacting with the TikTok API. This SDK provides methods to fetch user information, liked videos, pinned videos, reposted videos, followers, following lists, and querying videos.


  • Fetch user info
  • Fetch user's liked videos
  • Fetch user's pinned videos
  • Fetch user's reposted videos
  • Fetch user's followers
  • Fetch user's following
  • Query videos


You can install the SDK via npm:

npm install tiktok-unofficial-sdk


Import the SDK

import TikTokClient from 'tiktok-unofficial-sdk';

Initialize the Client

Create an instance of the TikTokClient. Ensure you replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE with your actual TikTok API credentials.

const client = new TikTokClient();

Fetch User Information

To fetch user information, use the getUserInfo method. You need to specify the username and the fields you want to retrieve.

const username = 'test_username';
const userInfoFields = ['display_name', 'bio_description', 'avatar_url', 'is_verified', 'follower_count', 'following_count', 'likes_count', 'video_count'];

const userInfo = await client.user.getUserInfo(username, userInfoFields);

Fetch User's Liked Videos

To fetch a user's liked videos, use the get method with the type 'likes'. You need to specify the username, the fields you want to retrieve, and optionally the maximum count and cursor for pagination.

const userVideoFields = ['id', 'create_time', 'username', 'region_code', 'video_description', 'music_id', 'like_count', 'comment_count', 'share_count', 'view_count', 'hashtag_names'];

const likedVideos = await client.user.get('likes', username, userVideoFields);
console.log('Liked Videos:', likedVideos);

Fetch User's Pinned Videos

To fetch a user's pinned videos, use the get method with the type 'pinned'.

const pinnedVideos = await client.user.get('pinned', username, userVideoFields);
console.log('Pinned Videos:', pinnedVideos);

Fetch User's Reposted Videos

To fetch a user's reposted videos, use the get method with the type 'reposted'.

const repostedVideos = await client.user.get('reposts', username, userVideoFields);
console.log('Reposted Videos:', repostedVideos);

Fetch User's Followers

To fetch a user's followers, use the get method with the type 'followers'.

const userFollowersFields = ['id', 'username', 'display_name', 'avatar_url', 'follower_count', 'following_count'];

const followers = await client.user.get('followers', username, userFollowersFields);
console.log('Followers:', followers);

Fetch User's Following

To fetch a user's following, use the get method with the type 'following'.

const following = await client.user.get('following', username, userFollowersFields);
console.log('Following:', following);

Query Videos

To query videos using the TikTok Research API, use the query method from the Videos module.


  • query: Query object containing the conditions.
  • fields: A comma-separated string of fields to retrieve.
  • start_date: The lower bound of video creation time in UTC (YYYYMMDD).
  • end_date: The upper bound of video creation time in UTC (YYYYMMDD).
  • max_count (optional): The number of videos in response (default: 20, max: 100).
  • cursor (optional): Retrieve video results starting from the specified index.
  • search_id (optional): The unique identifier assigned to a cached search result.
  • is_random (optional): Whether to return results in a random order.


const query = {
  and: [
    { field_name: 'region_code', operation: 'IN', field_values: ['JP', 'US'] },
    { field_name: 'hashtag_name', operation: 'EQ', field_values: ['animal'] }
  not: [
    { field_name: 'video_length', operation: 'EQ', field_values: ['SHORT'] }

const fields = 'id,video_description,create_time';
const start_date = '20230101';
const end_date = '20230115';

const response = await client.videos.query(query, fields, start_date, end_date);

API Reference


The main class for interacting with the TikTok API.


new TikTokClient()



A generic method to fetch data from the TikTok API.

fetchApi(endpoint: string, method: string = 'GET', body: any = null): Promise<any>


A class for user-related methods.


Fetch user information.

getUserInfo(username: string, fields: UserInfoFields[]): Promise<any>


Fetch user's liked, pinned, reposted videos, followers, or following.

get(type: 'likes' | 'pinned' | 'reposted' | 'followers' | 'following', username: string, fields: UserVideoFields[] | UserFollowersFields[], maxCount?: number, cursor?: number | null): Promise<any>


A class for video-related methods.


Query videos using the TikTok Research API.

query(query: Query, fields: string, start_date: string, end_date: string, max_count?: number, cursor?: number, search_id?: string, is_random?: boolean): Promise<QueryVideoResponseData>

Query Video Comments

To query video comments using the TikTok Research API, use the queryComments method from the Videos module.


  • video_id: The ID of the video to query comments for.
  • fields: A comma-separated string of fields to retrieve.
  • max_count (optional): The number of comments in response (default: 10, max: 100).
  • cursor (optional): The starting index of the comments in the response.


const video_id = 1234567890123456789;
const fields = 'id,like_count,create_time,text,video_id,parent_comment_id';

const comments = await client.videos.queryComments(video_id, fields, 50, 150);


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This SDK is not affiliated with or endorsed by TikTok. It is a simple wrapper to facilitate interaction with the TikTok API.


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