A JavaScript library which, for each sentence, transforms the first letter to upper case and other letters to lower case.
It appends a dot at the end if not added before.
It recognizes dot .
, question mark ?
and exclamation mark !
as characters ending a sentence.
After the character ending a given sentence, there must be a space.
npm install --save to-sentence-case-with-dot
yarn add to-sentence-case-with-dot
const toSentenceCaseWithDot = require('to-sentence-case-with-dot').default;
const input = 'loREm IPsum DOLOR sit ameT. consectetur! Adipiscing elit? sed DO eiusmod tempor incididunt';
const result = toSentenceCaseWithDot(input);
expect(result).to.equal('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur! Adipiscing elit? Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.');
In order to see more details, see tests.