
0.1.3 • Public • Published


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Express-like framework for im bots.


npm install transit-im

Documentation: here


transit = require('transit-im')
app = transit()

# Use command line client
app.use transit.commandLine()
# Use simple commands parser
app.use transit.commandParser()
# Make client does not wait for response from user handler
app.use transit.doNotWaitForResponse()

# Define named custom formatter. Formatter is called before sending data back to client.
# In most cases you would like to set up a chain of formatting functions.
app.formatOutput "braces", (data, options, cb) -> cb(null, "(#{data})")

# Define user handler for 'hello' command.
# Use __sendBack__ to send data to client. It could be called any amount of times.
app.receive 'hello', (req, res) ->
  res.sendBack "Hello #{req.user}"

# Define user handler for 'echo' command. All command arguments (space-separated) will be available in 'params' field.
# Here you can see usage of custom formatter __braces__ defined above.
app.receive 'echo {{params}}', (req, res) ->
  res.braces req.attrs.params.join(" ")

# Define default user handler. It is called in case command is not matched
app.receive (req, res) ->
  res.sendBack "I do not know what is <#{}> :("

app.use transit.autohelp {showOnUnknown: false}

# Defines event handler. Events are emitted in special cases like user goes offline (__exit__ event).
# To emulate that type ':exit' in command line.
app.on 'exit', (req, res) ->
  console.log "User #{req.user} left"

# Starts listening to the client

Example for ICQ

# ICQ client receives messages from other ICQ users and allows to respond them.
# This is the main scenario the **transit** was created for.
transit = require('transit-im')
app = transit()

# Here we create session object. Session object will be associated with icq contact who writes to us.
# Session object is available as ``req.session`` in the handler
class IcqSession
  constructor: (@userId) ->
    console.log "#{@userId} connected"
  getName: -> @name ? "Unknown user #{@userId}"
  setName: (@name) ->
  close: ->
    console.log "#{@userId} disconnected"

# Add icq client. Use icq number as login.
app.use transit.icq {login: "__ICQ_NUMBER__", password: "__PASSWORD__"}
# Convert html to text
app.use transit.html2txt()
# Parse commands
app.use transit.commandParser()
# Use sessions storage (in memory)
app.use transit.sessions sessionClass: IcqSession
# When send something back split by 500 characters and wrap each portion with html
app.formatOutput transit.chain transit.chain.splitByPortions(500), transit.chain.wrapHtml()
# Show help if user made a mistake or types __help__ command.
app.use transit.autohelp()

# After start connect to your bot and type him messages like:
# > hello
#   Hello Unknown user 555
# > callme Big Boss
#   I'll remember that, Big
# > callme "Big Boss"
#   I'll remember that, Big Boss
# > hello
#   Hello Big Boss
# > bottles 2
#   I have 2 bottles of beer. Let's drink one!
#   I have 1 bottles of beer. Let's drink one!

app.receive 'hello', (req, res) ->
  res.sendBack("Hello #{req.session.getName()}")

app.receive 'callme {name}', (req, res) ->
  res.sendBack "I'll remember that, #{}"

app.receive 'bottles {count}', (req, res) ->
  res.sendBack ([req.attrs.count..1].map (n) -> "I have #{n} bottles of beer. Let's drink one!").join("\n")


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  • alexey.grishin