
0.0.3 • Public • Published

Translate-ShadowDOM Build Status

Set of utilities to translate between Shadow DOM v0 and v1 (both ways). Usefull, when writing "hybrid" Web Components which are V1 ready, but run in V0 environment/polyfill; or when runnung legacy code in V1 environment.

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Online Translator

Small sample

If you have Shadow DOM prepared for V1

<div class="shadow-host">
    <p slot="my-slot">I want to be distributed as in V1</p>
            color: green;
    <h2>Shadow DOM prepared for V1</h2>
    <slot name="my-slot"></slot>

You can now use it in your current app/element running on V0 environment (like current webcomponentsjs polyfill)

let sRoot = myElement.createShadowRoot();
sRoot.innerHTML = TranslateShadowDOM.v1tov0.html(compositionString);
// or if you already have it parsed as document fragment
TranslateShadowDOM.v1tov0.fragment(documentfragment, true);

To get

        ::content p{
            color: green;
    <h2>Shadow DOM prepared for V1</h2>
    <content name="my-slot" select="[slot='my-slot']"></content>

So, it would get rendered as you would expect in V1:

<div class="shadow-host">
    <h2>Shadow DOM prepared for V1</h2>
    <p slot="my-slot">I want to be distributed as in V1</p>

Related custom elements


  • Translates strings,
  • Modifies DocumentFragments,
  • Preserves attributes,
  • Translates HTML, CSS and basic JS
  • works both ways between V0 and V1


Install the component using Bower:

$ bower install translate-shadowdom --save


$ npm install translate-shadowdom --save

Or download as ZIP.


V1 to V0

TranslateShadowDOM.v1tov0.html(String compositionString) : String

Translates the HTML given in string, replacing all <slot name="foo">smth</slot> with <content name="foo" select="[slot='foo']">smth</content>

TranslateShadowDOM.v1tov0.slot(HTMLElement slot) : ContentElement

Replaces given SlotElement (or UnknownElement <slot>) with ContentElement (<content>).

TranslateShadowDOM.v1tov0.fragment(HTMLElement | DocumentFragment root, Boolean withStyle, Boolean withScript) : HTMLElement | DocumentFragment

Replaces all SlotElements (or UnknownElements <slot>) with ContentElements (<content>) in given root. If withStyle is set to true, will also translate CSS selectors in enclosed <style> elements. If withScript is set to true, will also translate JS code in enclosed <script> elements.

TranslateShadowDOM.v1tov0.css(String styleString) : String

Replaces ::slotted(.foo) with ::content .foo in given string.

V0 to V1

TranslateShadowDOM.v0tov1.html(String compositionString) : String

Translates the HTML given in string, replacing all <content select="[slot='foo']">smth</content> with <slot name="foo">smth</slot>

TranslateShadowDOM.v0tov1.content(HTMLElement content) : SlotElement

Replaces given ContentElement (or UnknownElement <content>) with SlotElement (<slot>). It preserves all attributes except name. If selector cannot be directly translated to slot name, default slot would be created.

TranslateShadowDOM.v0tov1.fragment(HTMLElement | DocumentFragment root, Boolean withStyle, Boolean withScript) : HTMLElement | DocumentFragment

Replaces all ContentElements (or UnknownElements <content>) with SlotElements (<slot>) in given root. It preserves all attributes except name. If selector cannot be directly translated to slot name, default slot would be created. If withStyle is set to true, will also translate CSS selectors in enclosed <style> elements. If withScript is set to true, will also translate JS code in enclosed <script> elements.

TranslateShadowDOM.v0tov1.css(String styleString) : String

Replaces ::content .foo with ::slotted(.foo) in given string.

Test suite

  • local browser ./test/index.html
  • online


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Open corresponding issue if needed
  6. Submit a pull request :D


For detailed changelog, check Releases.



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Last publish


  • tomalec