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2.11.5 • Public • Published

TS Das Keyboard Applet API

The API for creating Applets that will run inside the Das Keyboard Q Desktop environment.


This module is installed via npm or yarn

npm i ts-daskeyboard-applet

Getting Started

Import the Q Applet API

Import the library

Define your class

Define a class which extends DesktopApp, and expose a run method which returns a promise of type Signal

Define your class

Instantiate it

At the bottom of your main file, remember to instantiate the class

Instantiate your class

DesktopApp functions


The run() method is the primary extension point. This method will be invoked at regular intervals. This method should do some work, and then return a Signal object.

If you throw an Error in this method, the extension host will transmit a signal to the Q Desktop with your error message in the body.

Creating a signal within a callback function

There are cases when your run() function may have to use a callback. In that case, you can either return a promise or you can call the signal() function yourself.


To read app configuration after initial processing, or after a configuration change, implement the applyConfig method. It will be called automatically whenever configuration id updated.

During this phase, you can also validate input. If you receive an invalid value, you can throw an Error with a relevant message.

Important: This method may fire automatically before user configuration is registered. Do not throw errors for missing values that may be provided later.


If you need to perform any work before the Applet is closed, implement the shutdown() function. This function is called automatically before the app is stopped.


Do not use the constructor for any functionality or state that is related to the applet's configuration. The configuration may change as the applet is running. To update the applet's state based on configuration, extend the applyConfig() method.


options() is called with fieldId and search values when the app is presenting dropdown options from the questions in your package.json. Implement this method to provide a list of valid options for the specified field and search text.

Creating Signals

Your applet communicates with the Das Keyboard Signal Center by returning Signal objects. A Signal object includes a 2-D array of Point objects, along with other optional information to be displayed when the zone is activated.

Return a signal

Signal options

The Signal class takes the following options in its constructor:

  • points: A 2-D array of Point objects.
  • name: Will be displayed as the title of any signal dialog.
  • message: Detailed message that will be displayed within a signal dialog.
  • isMuted: Boolean value. If set to false, the signal will invoke an on-screen notification.
  • action: The action of the signal, typically DRAW. This is the default. Possible values are:
    • DRAW: Light a key until the signal is dismissed.
    • ERROR: The signal will relay an error message to the host service.
    • FLASH: The signal will cause the key(s) to flash.
  • errors: In the case of an ERROR action, errors should contain an array of error messages.
  • link: an object with a url and optional label to be shown in the dialog

The Point Class

Each Point represents a single key and takes in a color in hex and optionally the effect to use on the key.

Applet Configuration

The applet is configured with the following member variables:


The geometry configuration is stored in an object on the base class. it can be read as a field or you can inspect the applet's geometry with these functions:

  • this.getWidth()
  • this.getHeight()
  • this.getOriginX()
  • this.getOriginY()


Currently we support authorization by API Key or Basic Authentication. The authorization object is populated on the base class once configured.


The config object is for any values that are specific to the application. This object is built by merging the default configuration values that are supplied in package.json with any user-supplied values that were input during applet installation.


The store object is an instance of node-localstorage. When running within the Q Desktop App, the storage file is located in the ~/.quio directory. When running from a command line, a file local-storage.json will be created. You should not commit a local-storage.json file to the repo, because it will be ignored unless running from a command line.


Applets use the winston logging system. Log files can be found in ~/.quio/v2/applet.log.json. When running from a command line, logging will output to the console.

Running an Applet in dev mode

You can run an applet in dev mode by invoking it via node, using the following syntax:

node <script name> dev '{ <config> }'

The config object is a combination of all of the configuration variables described in Applet Configuration. The format of the config object is:

  • If you don't specify the geometry, the default is a 1x1 applet on the Esc key.

  • You must have the Q Desktop application running in order for the keyboard to respond to any signals.

Basic example:

node index.js dev '{"applet":{"user": {"symbol": "AAPL"}}}'

This will invoke the script at index.js , and the value of this.config.symbol will be "AAPL".

Specifying a geometry:

node index.js dev '{"applet":{"user": {"zoneId": "TXZ211"}}, "geometry": {"width": 4, "height": 1, "origin": {"x": 1, "y": 1}}}'

This example configures a config.zoneId of "TXZ211" and a geometry with width: 4, height: 1, origin of (1,1).

Specifying authorization:

node index.js dev '{"authorization": { "apiKey": "8f652e62a922ca351521ea0b89199de1067d3204" }}'

This example configures the applet such that this.authorization.apiKey has a valid value.

Factory Reset

Reset via the command line

  • Quit the Q Desktop App
  • Run the following commands:
    rm -rf ~/.quio/v2/q_extensions
    rm -rf ~/.quio/v2/q_storage
  • Restart the Q Desktop App

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