TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.0 • Public • Published

TypeScript Type-Wrapper (npm)

A tiny module that gives you the typeWrapper class constructor + static methods bundle, for quick definition of type wrappers.

What are Type Wrappers?

A way of declaring a new type, that is simply a wrapper around another type, to make mix-ups easier to prevent.

For example, declaring a wrapper around string called UserID, to stop User IDs from being mixed up with other strings (like usernames or descriptions).

This is elaborated on in this blog post (TypeScript-specific version to come).


import { typeWrapper } from 'ts-trapper';

// Declare a new type wrapper:
class UserID extends typeWrapper<UserID,number>() {
  private brand: any;  

// Number -> UserID-wrapped Number
const id = UserID.wrap(123);

// 💥 Can't use like a number without unwrapping.
const wrong1 = id * 55;

// 💥 Can't use it like another wrapped type.
const wrong2 = CompanyID.unwrap(id);

function greet(userId: UserID, name: string): string {
  // UserID-wrapped Number -> Number
  const userIdNumber = UserID.unwrap(userId);

  // Unwrapped; fine to use now.
  return "User #" + userIdNumber + ": " + name;

console.log(greet(id, "Bert"));

See the examples/ directory for more.

Inspired by @giuliocanti's original "class constructor" pattern from this TS Playground example.

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