A CKAN API wrapper in typescript for consuming data.
Just instantiate a CkanApi class with a proper URL not including anything else.
For example, in their test environment, the url is:
const ckan: CkanApi = new CkanApi("https://demo.ckan.org");
With that instance at hand, you can simply call:
await ckan.siteRead();
and it yields
you can also list the packages by calling:
await ckan.listPackages();
and it yields
["sample-dataset-1", "test_dataset", ...]
The most used and powerful request is for a package. The response includes everything needed for data ingestion:
await ckan.getPackage("sample-dataset-1");
and it yields
"author":"Test Author",
"license_title":"Creative Commons Attribution",
"maintainer":"Test Maintainer",
"notes":"A CKAN Dataset is a collection of data resources (such as files), together with a description and other information (what is known as metadata), at a fixed URL. \r\n\r\n",
"title":"Sample Organization",
"description":"This is a sample organization.",
"title":"Sample Dataset",
"display_name":"Test Group",
"title":"Test Group"
"description":"This is a sample resource added via url.",
"description":"Sample csv (uploaded).",
"description":"Sample views for csv.",
"description":"Sample pdf file.",
"description":"Sample txt file.",
"description":"Sample GeoJSON resource for the list of countries.\r\n\r\nResource taken from https://openlayers.org/ \r\nLicensed under the 2-Clause BSD (https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/freebsd)",
"description":"Sample kml file for Earthquakes of magnitude 5 in 2012.\r\n\r\nResource taken from https://openlayers.org/ \r\nLicensed under the 2-Clause BSD (https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/freebsd)\r\n",
"name":"Sample WMS",