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Tylus - Titanium Stylus / Less

Note: if you need a newline, use <br>.

Tylus requires node. You can install node in several ways; I prefer to use nvm, in which case you do not need sudo in the command below. You can also install node from source manually, as documented here, in which case you do need the sudo in the command below.

sudo npm install -g tylus

Make a test .styl file

    textAlign center
    color #00ffff
      fontSize 20
      fontWeight bold
      text 'Hello from iPhone'
      text 'Hello from iPad'

and place it in your Titanium Resources directory. Then run

tylus path/to/Resources

and you'll have a style.js file. Copy tylus/lib/tylus.js into your Resources directory, then, in app.js:

var win, label ;
win = T.Window();
label = T.Label({tyle: '#hello'});

and you're good to go. Note that the property is tyle, not style, to avoid a conflict with Titanium properties called style.


Supports creation of objects with a tyle property or with id, class, classNames, or classes property:

label = T.Label({tyle: '#mylabel .special'});
win = T.Window({id: 'Settings'});

If you're only specifying a style and don't need to specify any other options, just pass the selector as the only argument to the constructor:

table = T.Table('#users .grouped');

Platform Conditioning

Conditioning on device type:

    text 'iphone'
    text 'ipad'

and in your app.js:

label = T.Label();
// will say 'iphone' on iphone and 'ipad' on ipad

You can also condition on other Ti.Platform variables:

     text 'ios 5.0 is great huh'
     text 'you should upgrade to get newwstand its the best'

You can also set such conditionable properties manually with the setProperty function. See the 'Reference' section below for details.

Object Properties

Object properties are also supported:

    fontSize 20
    fontWeight bold

even though it doesn't make sense from a css standpoint, it's still quite intuitive.

And, of course, all of the awesome features of Stylus

JS Evaluation

If you need a style to consist of evaluated Javascript, use the underscore templating:

            style "<%= Ti.UI.iPhone.TableViewStyle.GROUPED %>"
            backgroundColor transparent
            rowBackgroundColor white

String Interpolation

If tylus can find underscore.js, underscore's string interpolation will be applied to all properties of your object. You specify the strings in a strings object passed into the constructor. For example:

      text "This special label says <%= message %>!"

meanwhile, in some javascript file

var stuff = T.Label({tyle: '.special', strings: {message: 'awesome stuff'}});

The Titanium platform properties and anything you set with T.setProperty(prop, value) will also be available via this templating system.

camelCase or dash-separation

The less css compiler assumes that any property name that is camelCased is a syntax error, since no actual css property names are camel cased. To work around this, tylus supports the use of dash-separated properties; these will be converted to camelCased properties upon compilation. See the test suite for an example.

Factory Methods for UI Creation

These much nicer looking constructors are not only a reasonable length but also will lookup styles before generating the object.


They also provide nicer functions for add/removeEventListener and fireEvent:

object.on('event', handler);
object.off('event', handler);

The .on function will also wrap the handler in an exception handler. This exception handler will simply alert() the exception when it is caught. When exceptions occur in an event callback, Titanium logs an error to the console but does not display an error message; this can make debugging on a device difficult. The T object exposes a function setDebugMode() which can be used to enable or disable this feature. It's disabled by default.

This feature will make removing event handlers slow, since we have to lookup the wrapper function that was created when the event handler was added. Make sure to disable it in production modes, unless you're okay with a small performance hit when removing handlers in exchange for the exception handling.

See tylus.js in lib/ (ie, the file that should be in your Titanium Resources directory) for the map of nice names to crappy Titanium names. Some are slightly modified. 'View' is usually removed. The matrices specify dimension on the end. PickerColumn is shortened to PickerCol, etc.

Unfortunately, replacing constructors like this will cause some problems. The Titanium build system attempts to detect which portions of the framework you are using by essentially greping your source for the Ti.xx.createSomeObject factory methods. Since you're using the factory methods I provide in T, Titanium will think you aren't using those components. So, in some file of your project, simply list out the constructors you'll need. You can do this per-file or once in a single file of your project:


These references to Javascript functions will be ignored by the interpreter on the device, but will let the Ti build system know to include those parts of the framework in the build.

Titanium Build Plugin

Assuming you have Tylus setup correctly in your path, you can use the plugin in the plugins/ directory of the source tree with Titanium to automate the stylus compilation every time Titanium compiles your app. To use this, copy the plugins directory into your application project directory. It should be next to Resources and your tiapp.xml:


etc. Then, edit your tiapp.xml, adding the following into your ti:app:

      <plugin version="0.0">tylus</plugin> 

Now, when you compile your app, your .styl files will be compiled into style.js!

Manual Compilation

You can manually compile styles by running tylus with your Resources directory as the parameter:

tylus Resources


    top 84
    width 85
    top 90
    width 90
    fontSize 13
    fontWeight bold
    fontFamily 'Helvetica Neue'

   width 100
   height 200
      text "This is an iPhone!"
      text "this is an ipad!"
     text "some id label thing"


UI Creation

  • Matrix2D - create2DMatrix
  • Matrix3D - create3DMatrix
  • Indicator - createActivityIndicator
  • AlertDialog - createAlertDialog
  • Animation - createAnimation
  • Button - createButton
  • ButtonBar - createButtonBar
  • CoverFlow - createCoverFlow
  • DashItem - createDashboardItem
  • Dash - createDashboardView
  • EmailDialog - createEmailDialog
  • Image - createImageView
  • OptionDialog - createOptionDialog
  • Label - createLabel
  • Picker - createPicker
  • PickerRow - createPickerRow
  • PickerCol - createPickerCol
  • ProgressBar - createProgressBar
  • Scroll - createScrollView
  • Scrollable - createScrollableView
  • SearchBar - createSearchBar
  • Slider - createSlider
  • Switch - createSwitch
  • Tab - createTab
  • TabGroup - createTabGroup
  • TabbedBar - createTabbedBar
  • Table - createTableView
  • TableRow - createTableViewRow
  • TableSection - createTableViewSection
  • TextArea - createTextArea
  • TextField - createTextField
  • Toolbar - createToolbar
  • View - createView
  • Web - createWebView
  • Window - createWindow

Other Methods

  • wrapEmitter (emitter) - adds .on, .off, .fire to a Titanium event emitter
  • apply (obj, type, style) - augments obj with styles. type is a string describing a shortened Titanium type (ie Label, DashItem). style is a tyle; a style lookup string like #id .class1 or an object with tyle or id or className or classNames properties.
  • load (file) - tries to load styles from file. Note that file is require()ed and as such should not have an extension. Returns true on success, false on error.
  • getProps (type, args) - gets computed style properties. type is a shorthand Titanium type; args is the arguments it was created with for extracting the tyle or id etc properties.
  • setDebugMode (value) - sets the debug mode to value. If value is truthy, event handlers placed on emitters will be wrapped in an exception handler. Defaults to false.
  • setProperty (prop, val) - sets prop to val in the internal property list used for condition resolution. So, if we setPropert('foo', 'bar') we can then have a [foo=bar] rule in the style files.

Ti Platform Properties

By default, Tylus can condition on these Ti.Platform properties:

  • osname (alias device)
  • density
  • dpi
  • username
  • version



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