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4.1.0 • Public • Published

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This is a plugin for TypeDoc that replaces text in the documentation.

This includes:

  • Text in code comments (eg: method descriptions and method parameter descriptions)
  • Text in the main README that is used by TypeDoc
  • Text in included documents

You can specify matching patterns and the text they should be replaced with or a replacer function.

This can be useful for:

  • Creating links from ticket IDs (eg: replace "GH-12345" with a link to https://github.com/your-name/the-repo/issues/12345)
  • Creating links from author names (eg: link "Your Name" to your GitHub or corporate profile page)
  • Replacing internal URLs (domains) with external ones
  • Replacing custom placeholders with anything you like (eg: images or content from external files)
  • Removing URLs, user names, passwords or other text from your documentation
  • etc.


This module can be installed using npm:

$ npm install --save-dev typedoc-plugin-replace-text


The plugin requires TypeDoc version 0.26.0 or above to be installed. You need to activate the plugin with the plugin option in your TypeDoc config.

After installation TypeDoc can be used normally and you can configure this plugin as described below.


Extend your TypeDoc config file with a new option named replaceText. Here is an example using a JavaScript config file:

/** @type { import('typedoc').TypeDocOptionMap & import('typedoc-plugin-replace-text').Config } */
module.exports = {
    out: "output",
    entryPointStrategy: "expand",
    entryPoints: ["input/module1.ts", "input/module2.ts"],
    tsconfig: "tsconfig.json",
    readme: "MAIN.md",
    plugin: ["typedoc-plugin-replace-text"],
    replaceText: {
        inCodeCommentText: true,
        inCodeCommentTags: true,
        inMarkdown: false,
        replacements: [
                pattern: "(GH-(\\d+))",
                replace: "[$1](https://github.com/your-name/the-repo/issues/$2)"
                pattern: "King Kong",
                flags: "gi",
                replace: function (match) {
                    if (this.sources?.[0].fileName.endsWith("/king-kong.ts")) {
                        return match + " is home!";
                    return match + " in another file!";


Property Description
inCodeCommentText Specifies if the plugin should replace in the text of comments (not including the text of tags like the description of parameters for a method) in your code. (optional - defaults to true)
inCodeCommentTags Specifies if the plugin should replace in the text of tags (like the description of parameters for a method) in your code comments. (optional - defaults to true)
inMarkdown Specifies if the plugin should replace in all Markdown content parsed by TypeDoc (this includes the main README and all MD files added to the documentation). NOTE: Since version 0.26 TypeDoc parses all code comments as Markdown too. This means that setting this to true will automatically overwrite the other two options above to true. (optional - defaults to true)
replacements The search patterns and texts they should be replaced with. (pattern is the search Regex and flags are the optional Regex flags that default to g. replace can be a string constant or a replacer function that returns the new text for each match. The replacer function also has access to source information through the function context this - see example above where the sources property is an array of TypeDoc SourceReference objects.)


Please report bugs here. Thanks for your contribution!


If you find this piece of software helpful, please consider a donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated.


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  • krisztianb