React Font Awesome Icon Picker is a basic icon picker for react application. This plugin is in initial stage and have some performace issues.
React Font Awesome Icon Picker is still not available in NPM website so you have to install it directly from this git repository using below command.
npm install --save
;; Component { superprops; thisstate = selectedIcon: prefix: 'fas' iconName: 'coffee' ; } { this } { return <div> <ReactIconPicker pickIcon=thisiconPickHandler /> <br/> Icon: <FontAwesomeIcon icon=thisstateselectedIconprefix thisstateselectedIconiconName /> <br/> Icon Name: thisstateselectedIconprefix + ' fa-' + thisstateselectedIconiconName <br/> Icon HTML code: '<i class="' + thisstateselectedIconprefix + ' fa-' + thisstateselectedIconiconName + '"></i>' </div> }