When building, scan the inline static files in the code and upload them to oss.
Because of the size limit of WeChat mini programs
, it is very useful in mini programs.
使用taro来进行小程序开发,编译css通常会把图片等静态资源构建成内联资源。但是因为小程序的包体积限制,导致无法上传到小程序平台。通常还需要手动把图片资源上传到oss,然后手动替换css中的路径。 此插件在webpack下,通过 webpack-loader 来检测静态资源,并替换路径,最后上传到oss。在vite下,通过 postcss 和 vite 插件来解析并替换css中的资源。
npm i unplugin-oss-uploader -D
yarn i unplugin-oss-uploader -D
pnpm i unplugin-oss-uploader -D
Usage with webpack
// webpack.config.js
import ossUploader from 'unplugin-oss-uploader/webpack'
import { Zones, qiniuAdapter } from 'unplugin-oss-uploader/adapter'
// put in your's webpack config
export default {
plugins: [
adapter: qiniuAdapter({
// Keep your keys safe, recommend using environment variables in devops
// or write your custom adapter.
secretKey: process.env.VITE_QINIU_SECRET_KEY!,
accessKey: process.env.VITE_QINIU_ACCESS_KEY!,
bucket: process.env.VITE_QINIU_BUCKET!,
domain: process.env.VITE_QINIU_DOMAIN!,
zone: Zones.Zone_z2,
Usage with vite
// vite.config.ts
import ossUploader from 'unplugin-oss-uploader/vite'
import { Zones, qiniuAdapter } from 'unplugin-oss-uploader/adapter'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
adapter: qiniuAdapter({
// Keep your keys safe, recommend using environment variables in devops
// or write your custom adapter.
secretKey: process.env.VITE_QINIU_SECRET_KEY!,
accessKey: process.env.VITE_QINIU_ACCESS_KEY!,
bucket: process.env.VITE_QINIU_BUCKET!,
domain: process.env.VITE_QINIU_DOMAIN!,
zone: Zones.Zone_z2,
npm run build
Now you can check your dist directory and see the compiled inline file paths.
Supported adapters
Currently supported adapters:
import { qiniuAdapter, tencentAdapter } from 'unplugin-oss-uploader/adapter'
// qiniuAdapter: qiniu.com
// tencentAdapter: cloud.tencent.com
Welcome to PR more adapters.
Custom adapter
// myAdapter.ts
import type { Adapter } from 'unplugin-oss-uploader/adapter'
export function myAdapter(options: any): Adapter {
return {
async upload(file, name) {
// Upload the file, when it fails, the build will be interrupted.
createUrl(filePath) {
// Generate your filename ready and sync back
return `https://your-cdn.com/${name}`