TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.10 • Public • Published


up4w-js is a collection of JavaScript libraries written in TypeScript, with built-in type declaration files. It is used for interacting with the UP4W JSON API and is compatible with both Node.js and browser environments. It supports different coding styles for importing, including TypeScript, ECMAScript module, and CommonJS.


You can install the package either using NPM or using Yarn

Using NPM

npm install up4w-js up4w-service

Using Yarn

yarn add up4w-js up4w-service


As you see, to communicate with the UP4W network, you need to install two package: up4w-js and up4w-service

up4w-service is responsible for automatically detecting the system architecture at runtime, launching the corresponding underlying UP4W program, and asynchronously returning the network access point of the currently running UP4W instance.

up4w-service can only run in Node.js environment.

Package Description
up4w-service automatically detecting the system architecture at runtime, launching the corresponding underlying UP4W program.

up4w-js consists of multiple independent core modules, each responsible for managing interactions with a specific set of interfaces in the underlying up4w system.

Package Description
up4w-js A collection of all interfaces for interacting with the underlying UP4W network.It is also one of the two packages that you must use, the other one being up4w-service.

Data response structure

All interfaces are implemented to return a Promise asynchronously and non-blocking. The data structure returned is as follows:

Field Type Description Required
rsp string The module action Y
ret object The data returned has a specific structure that can vary depending on the interface. N
fin boolean indicates whether more messages will be responded N
err number Error reason, returned only when an error occurs. N

More infomation about response structure UEP_0021

Here is a example:

  rsp: "msg.received",
  ret: {
    id: "3866091278",
    timestamp: 1684658460224,
    app: 1,
    action: 4096,
    recipient: "<a_base64_encode_address>"
    sender: ":myself",
    content: "Explain quantum computing in simple terms",
    content_type: 13,

Usage example

up4w-js supports both ES modules and CommonJS imports. In the upcoming examples, you can use import or require based on your module system.

We will use import by default for demonstration purposes.

// `es module` or `Typescript` style
import UP4WJS from "up4w-js";
import UP4WService from "up4w-service"

// or you can use commonjs style
const UP4WJS = require('up4w-js')
const UP4WService = require('up4w-service')

// now create instance
const service = new UP4WService()


async function start() {
	const response = await service.run()
	// Got available endpoints, `ws` means websocket, the other one is `http`
	// Use `ws` please for now
	const { availableEndpoint: { ws } } = response

	// Create up4w-js instance, UP4WJS class need only one arguments: endpoint
	const up4wjs = new UP4WJS(ws)

	// Waiting for up4wjs to complete initialization.
	await up4wjs.whenReady({
        app_name: "deso",
        mrc: {
          msgs_dir: ":mem",
          default_swarm: "<a_base64_address>", //replace it with your swarm address
          flags: ["delay00_load"],
        mlt: {},
        gdp: {},
        pbc: {},
        lsm: {},

    // In the following documentation, you will learn more about the details of interface calls.
    // do what you want ...


Detecting the system architecture at runtime, launching the corresponding underlying UP4W network. In Linux systems, it will run up4w.so, in macOS it will run up4w.dylib, and in Windows it will run up4w.dll.

import UP4WService from "up4w-service"

const service = new UP4WService()
async function start() {
  const resp = await service.run()
  const {
    availableEndpoint: { ws },
  } = resp
  // output: ws://
  // `52416` is a  random port number.


Running the underlying UP4W program.

Parameters: none

Promise resolved with a object

  • availableEndpoint object
    • ws string Available websocket endpoint, with randomly assigned port number that may vary each time it is started
    • http string Available http endpoint, also with randomly assigned port number


A collection of methods for interacting with the underlying UP4W network.

import UP4WJS from "up4w-js"
const up4w = new UP4WJS(endpoint)


Field Type Description
endpoint string The entry point provided by the underlying UP4W network currently only supports WebSocket

You need to obtain the endpoint through up4w-service.


A instance of up4wjs


import UP4WService from "up4w-service"
import UP4WJS from "up4w-js"

const service = new UP4WService()
async function start() {
  const resp = await service.run()
  const {
    availableEndpoint: { ws },
  } = resp
  // create instance
  const up4w = new UP4WJS(ws)


Get version and build information of the peer, no arguments.

const version = await up4w.version()
// output:{  rsp: 'core.ver', inc: '41c870e4389fceab', ret: 'version 1.1, build May 20 2023 20:45:33' }



Promise object resolved with a version string


Initialize all desired modules.

const result = await up4w.whenReady({
  app_name: 'deso',
  mrc: {
    msgs_dir: ':mem',
   default_swarm: "<a_base64_address>",
    flags: ['delay00_load'],
  mlt: {},
  gdp: {},
  pbc: {},
  lsm: {},
console.log(result) // output: true
params - object
  • app_name is the name of the application, instances with different app_name will not discover each other in nearby peers (UEP-8)
  • mrc initialize message relay core (UEP-12), msgs_dir specifies the storage directory for saving pooled messages, or its value can be :mem to just memory for temporary storage.
  • media_dir specifies storage directory for saving offload media, if specified, the distributed media store (UEP-16) will be initialized as well.
  • dvs initialize distributed key-value store (UEP-20) with kv_dir specifies the storage directory, or memory.
  • flags
    • "delay_load" indicates the media db or the kv db is not loaded when initialization
    • "db_dedicate" two db on disk, one for default swarm, another for all non-default ones (merged)
    • "db_separated" one separated db on disk for every swarm
    • "db_merged" a single db for all swarms (merged)
  • hob enable packet obfuscation (UEP-6).
  • lsm initialize nearby peers module (UEP-8).
  • mlt enable multi-link tunnels
  • gdp initialize gossip data protocol (UEP-11), it will be automatically initialized if mrc or dvs is specified.
  • pbc enable packet bouncer


Promise resolved with boolean, true means initialize succesfully.


Uninitialize the UP4W stacks, no arguments, no return. Shutdown is unrecoverable.

await up4w.shutdown()



Promise object resolved with null


up4w.contact.signinWithSeed(seed, profile)

Set current sign-in user by seed(private key)

const user = await up4w.contact.siginWithSeed("<a_base64_seed_string>")
// output '{"rsp":"social.signin","inc":"51db8a36ac7ef161","ret":{"pk":"e6t9rv1...pkgen3y40v73z0"}}'

seed is the 28-byte root seed and mnemonic is its mnemonic encoding (UEP-13). Only one of seed and mnemonic is required to be specified.'


Promise object resolved with:

  • pk - string a public key that has been encoded using Base64

up4w.contact.siginWithMnemonic(words, profile)

Set current sign-in user by mnemonic words, this function is equivalent to up4w.siginWithSeed, but the difference lies in the input parameter.

const user = await up4w.contact.siginWithMnemonic("migrant adipex ... laos since")
// output '{"rsp":"social.signin","inc":"51db8a36ac7ef161","ret":{"pk":"e6t9rv1...pkgen3y40v73z0"}}'
  • words - string A list of 18 mnemonic words separated by spaces.
  • profie - objectSame to siginWithSeed

Same to up4w.signinWithSeed


Add a new user in the contact list, no return. This method will not send a greeting message to the user.

const result = await up4w.contact.addUser({
  pk: "Target_User_PK",
  name: 'Lufi'
// output {"rsp":"social.add_user","inc":"43bbe30cc17b88c6","ret":null}

user - object

  • pkstring a public key that has been encoded using Base64
  • name string User's name , optional
  • gender string User's gender, optional
  • geolocationstring User's geographical location, optional
  • greeting_secret stringis the greeting secret required for adding a new friend, optional

Promise object resolved with null ret


Remove an existing user, no return.

const result = await up4w.contact.removeUser(Target_User_PK)
// output {"rsp":"social.remove_user","inc":"43bbe30cc17b88c6","ret":null}
  • pkstring a public key that has been encoded using Base64

Promise object resolved with null ret


See Core Social Messaging APIs

up4w.msg.onMessage(callback[, receiveParams])

Subscribe to message push notifications to listen for all events pushed by the UP4W network, such as chat replies, and so on.

import UP4WService from "up4w-service"
import UP4WJS from "up4w-js"

const service = new UP4WService()
async function start() {
  const resp = await service.run()
  const {
    availableEndpoint: { ws },
  } = resp
  const up4w = new UP4WJS(ws)
  await up4w.whenReady()
  await up4w.contact.siginWithSeed("<a_base64_seed_string>")
  // Receive message push notifications as early as possible.
  up4w.msg.onMessage((message) => {
  	console.log("Receive message: ", message)
  }, {app: 1})

The message looks like:

    "rsp": "msg.received",
    "ret": {
    	"swarm": " ... ",
        "id": "795100302",
        "timestamp": 1684752857888,
        "app": 1,
        "action": 4097,
        "recipient": "<a_base64_encode_address>",
        "sender": "<a_base64_encode_address>",
        "content": "Quantum computing is a type of computing that ...",
        "content_type": 13
  • callback: function(message)

    • swram - string the swarm DHT address in base16, or the alias as set by join swarm request (req:"swarm.join", UEP-21)
    • id the id of the message in the scope of current swarm, a uint64_t in string.
    • timestamp - number of the message in millisecond
    • sender -string: the public key of the sender in base64
    • app -number the built-in application id, an uint16_t
    • action -number the operation code specific to the application, an uint16_t
    • recipient - string stands for the recipient, which is a user's pubkey or that of a scenario-specific identity (UEP-13)
    • content -string the content of the message can be parsed object, a plain text, or a base64 string according to app and action
    • content_type -number the type of the content (UEP-17)
    • media -array attached media blobs . Note that, a pair of <timestamp, crc> is used to uniquely identify a message.
  • receiveParams - object

    • conversation - string a base64 encoded public key, optional
    • app - number application id, optional



Send a text message to a specific recipient.

const up4w = new UP4WJS(ws)

await up4w.whenReady()
await up4w.contact.siginWithSeed("<a_base64_seed_string>")

up4w.msg.onMessage((message) => {
	console.log("Receive message: ", message)

await up4w.contact.addUser({
  pk: <a_base64_encode_publickey>",
  name: 'Lufi',

const result = await up4w.sendText({
    "recipient": "<a_base64_encode_address>",
    "app": 1,
    "action": 4096,
    "content": "Explain quantum computing in simple terms",
    "content_type": 13


    "rsp": "msg.text",
    "inc": "be30cc17b88c6c76",
    "ret": {
        "swarm": "<your_swarm_address>",
        "id": "1816980011727310231",
        "timestamp": 1684752850240
  • swarm - string the swarm DHT address in base16 ,optional
  • recipient - string stands for the recipient, which is a user's pubkey or that of a scenario-specific identity
  • app - numberapplication_id
  • action - number operation code
  • content - string object message content
  • content_type - number content type, text message always be 13, optional

Promise object, resolved with:

  • swarm - string the swarm DHT address
  • id - string id of message
  • timestamp - number Sending time for millisecond



Join a swarm and initialize swarm-specific protocols, no return.

await up4w.swarm.join(node)

node - object

  • address the 20-byte DHT address of the swarm in base16
  • secret the 32-byte private swarm secret in base64, optional. If specified, the swarm will be private swarm
  • epoch the epoch unit in millisecond for the DAGM (UEP-12)
  • ttl the max TTL in epoch for the DAGM
  • subband the range of the subband, should be 2^n.
  • media_sizemax the maximum size of attached media in messages, unspecified or 0 indicates media attachment is not allowed
  • active inbound message will be pushed as a (rsp:"msg_received") message (UEP-22) if decryption succeeded
  • value_sizemax the maximum size of values in DVS (UEP-20)

Promise Object , resolved with null ret


Leave a swarm

await up4w.swarm.leave(address)
  • address the 20-byte DHT address of the swarm in base16

Promise Object , resolved with null ret


Distributed Key-Value Storage


Set a value .

const result = await up4w.persistence.set(data)
// output {"rsp":"netkv.set","inc":"43bbe30cc17b88c6","ret":null}

data- object

  • key the 32-byte datakey in base 64 (UEP-21)
  • slot the storage slot of the value (0~255)
  • ttl the TTL in seconds of the value
  • value the value data in base64
  • secret the AES secret for value encryption, optional.

Promise Object , resolved with null ret


Get a value.

const result = await up4w.persistence.set(data)
// output {"rsp":"netkv.get","inc":"43bbe30cc17b88c6","ret":null}

data- object

  • key the 32-byte datakey in base 64(UEP-20)
  • slot the storage slot of the value (0~255)
  • secret the secret for value encryption, optional.
  • raw indicate the response to be the raw binary media data, optional and synchronous invocation only

Promise object, resolved with vary result:

  • if the value is not encrypted, or correct secret is provided, a base64 encoded string will be return;

  • if raw is true, the response is just the raw binary data without the json formatted response encapsulation.


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