
1.3.1 • Public • Published


A programatic audio player written in JavaScript.


µ-player is a minimal audio player for web browsers with no dependencies that directly uses WebAudio API.

It's meant to be used programatically, so it provides no UI, just a basic API and access to WebAudio objects, really useful if you want to modify or analyze the audio source.

It also provides keyboard bindings that can be enabled if required.


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const Player = require('uplayer')
const player = new Player('http://server/some.mp3')
  .on('ended', () => console.log('Ended.'))


Constructor params: uplayer(src, debugState):

  • src: A URL to an audio file.
  • debugState: Enables console log for debugging when true. False by default.

src can be a URL to be resolved by fetch or an ArrayBuffer.

µ-player provides the following methods:

  • load(src): Loads passed audio source or the one set on constructor.
  • play(offset): Starts playback of loaded audio file at specified offset seconds.
  • pause(): Pauses playback.
  • stop(): Stops playback.
  • rewind(seconds): Rewinds audio specified amount of seconds, 5 by default.
  • forward(seconds): Forwards audio specified amount of seconds, 5 by default.
  • useKeyboard(selector): Enables keyboard bindings adding listeners to passed selector. Uses body by default.
  • loop(loopState): Enables / disables looping based on loopState.
  • toggleLoop(): Toggles looping.
  • on(eventName, callback): Adds event listener on WebAudio source.
  • debug(debugState): Enables / disables debug mode based on debugState.

µ-player provides the following properties:

  • src: The audio file URL.
  • context: WebAudio context.
  • loaded: True when audio file was loaded, false when not.
  • buffer: WebAudio buffer data.
  • source: WebAudio source.


Use the method on(eventName, callback) to set event listeners on the WebAudio source.

  • ended: Fired when the whole file finished playing. This is not fired if looping is enabled.

For more info about events check MDN documentation.

µ-player also offers the following internal events:

  • load: Fired when loading starts.
  • loaded: Fired when loading ends.
  • play: Fired when playback starts.
  • stop: Fired when playback stops.
  • pause: Fired when playback is paused.
  • forward: Fired when forwarding; passed seconds to callback.
  • rewind: Fired when forwarding; passed seconds to callback.

Key bindings

  • z: Stop.
  • x: Play.
  • c: Pause.
  • l: Toggle looping.
  • ArrowRight: Forward.
  • ArrowLeft: Rewind.

Using with file reader

Since src can be an ArrayBuffer you can easily drop audio files in the browser and play them with µ-player.

Here's an example using the excellent drag-drop module from Feross:

const dragDrop = require('drag-drop')

dragDrop('body', function (files) {
  const file = files[0]
  console.log('GOT FILE:', file)

  const reader = new window.FileReader()
  reader.addEventListener('load', e => {
    const data = e.target.result
    const player = new Player(data, true)
  reader.addEventListener('error', err => {
    console.error('FileReader error' + err)

Have fun!


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