- Fork this repo
- Rename the repo to the new project`s name
- Clone the forked repo
- Add the starter kit repo as a remote with the name
- In your forked repository, go to Settings→Webhooks
- Click Add webhook
- Set Payload URL to the Pull Review server URL (http://sourcegraph.kushkipagos.com:8080/)
- Set Content type to application/json
- Choose Let me select individual events
- Pick the Issue comment event
- Click Add webhook
- Enable project on snyk
- Enable github repo con slack channel #github
/github subscribe kushki/repo-name
- Update the README
- Create project on rollbar
- Go to settings/Source control/
- Put
as project root - Go to settings/Notifications/
- At the end of the page choose copy notification from project and select
- Create a service on Pagerduty.
- Copy all the integration from the service
- Create a bucket with the same name of the project
- Make a pull from the
remote reference.
Vault kushki endpoints
To request a review left a comment with the text /review
- Typescript
- Mocha
- Serverless
Merge with master
Merge with release/XXXX to deploy or push to hotfix/XXXX
Push to feature/XXXX
npm run validate
Read about Serverless and Typescript to edit this project. You must not commit at develop and master branches. You must create a pull request to merge your code.
- .envrc base on the example (ignore this file)
- Serverless - The backend framework used
- Typescript - Code
- RxJS - Reactive programming
- Kushki Dev Team
- David Morales - Initial work - github
- [ ] Rollbar
- [ ] Runscope Integration
- [ ] Runscope Monitor
- [ ] Pagerduty
“Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.” – Cory House