
7.2.1 • Public • Published


Examples of implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns with UT

The examples are based on the pattern names defined by the Enterprise Integration Patterns book and the site, which gives short description of each patter. Here we give link to the pattern and the respective approach within UT. They are described here, as many of the patterns can be implemented within the script port, which among other goals, was created to serve this purpose.

Majority of the patterns are implemented in a few lines of JavaScript, without any dependencies. In many cases we prefer this approach, instead of involving complex libraries and class hierarchies, which are harder to understand and may bring their hard to debug XML or DSL. By basing it on JavaScript, developers doing the integration can choose their approach and decide if they need any dependencies at all.

Messaging Systems

Message channel


Within UT, ports are the equivalent of channels. The script port is usually the place where EIP patterns are often implemented.

Use ut-function.dispatch to easily create a script port:

module.exports = function eip({
    import: {
        // list of external message handlers
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        async 'subject.object.predicate1'() {},
        async 'subject.object.predicate2'() {}



Messages in UT are the arguments of message handlers and result returned from these handlers. Usually there are two arguments, first being the main message, and second being some metadata. In case of more than two arguments, the last one is always the metadata.

Handlers usually return a result and in some cases they can modify the metadata object as per the needs.

Message metadata includes these properties:

  • mtid- message type identifier, which can be one of:

    • request - for messages, which wait for a reply to be returned
    • notification - for messages, which do not wait for a reply
    • response - for messages, returned after successful execution of request
    • error - for messages, returned after unsuccessful execution of request
    • event - messages, generated by framework events
  • method- identifies the name of the handler, which should process the message. The recommended way of naming the methods is in the form subject.object.predicate, which usually represent the following:

    • subject - identifies the module (i.e. channel/port), which handles the message. It is also used for name-spacing the API, splitting the application in microservices, etc.
    • object - identifies the entity, affected by the message
    • predicate - identifies the action applied on the object

    Similar approach is used in other places, where this is also named semantic triple.

  • opcode - has the same value as predicate, and has direct relationship with certain low level protocols, where messages have simple

  • trace - unique identifier of the message within the context of the transmission protocol. This identifier is used to match replies (i.e. responses and errors) to their requests.

Pipes and Filters


Message processing can be split over several ports. Each port can send a message to the next one by calling a message handler. The message handlers of the other ports can be accessed by by destructuring the import property.

Send messages to other channels / ports by calling imported handlers, which are async functions:

module.exports = function pipes({
    import: {
        'subject.object.predicate': handler,
        subjectObjectPredicate // same method as above
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        async 'channel.message.send'(...params) {
            await handler(...params);
            await subjectObjectPredicate(...params); // same as above

Message Router


The default routing mechanism for messages is based on the subject part of the method name. The framework utilizes ut-bus to find the microservice containing the port, which can handle the message. When the message cannot be handled within the current process, a process known as service discovery is used. It usually involves some logic on top of DNS.

Message Translator

Translation of internal messages usually happens in the script port, by writing JavaScript code. See examples in the section message transformation below.

Translation of messages to formats recognized by external systems happens in what is known as port within UT framework. Here are some examples of the most used ports within the framework:

  • ut-port-tcp - for handling low level streams of network packets. It utilizes helper modules named ut-codec-* which convert messages between buffer and object representations.
  • ut-port-sql - for interfacing to Microsoft SQL Server
  • ut-port-http - for requesting HTTP servers using various HTTP based protocols

So the main difference is that ut-port-script is used for processing of internal messages between other UT ports, while the rest of the ports communicate with external systems.


Message Endpoint

Message endpoints are managed by ut-bus, which can be configured to use different communication technologies. Each port creates endpoint within ut-bus and depending on communication technology, this can be represented in various ways, for example HTTP URL.


Messaging Channels

Point-to-Point Channel

point to pont

This is the default and most used mode, as it does not require any additional configuration and is the easiest to use. Most of the ports within UT framework work in point to point mode by just calling their handlers, prefixed with the namespace of the port.

Publish-Subscribe Channel

Publish-subscribe is not frequently used, as it requires persisting of messages and usage of third party message queue software for message broker. There are per demand efforts to support this in both the bus and in specialized ports, but is not yet fully implemented. The potentially supported message queues are IBM MQ, Rabbit MQ and Apache Kafka.

Datatype Channel

UT does not have any specific concept or recommendation for this pattern.

Invalid Message Channel

Currently this is not supported. Error logs are the place to check for invalid messages, it the port implemented error logging of invalid messages.

Dead Letter Channel


This is usually implemented in a message queue software, so it is not in the scope of UT framework.

Guaranteed Delivery


Transparent persistence is usually implemented in a message queue software, so it is not in the scope of UT framework. For explicit persistence, ports like ut-port-sql or ut-port-file can be used.

Channel Adapter


Channel adapter within the UT framework is ut-bus. Ports use the bus API to send and receive messages. The most used API method is importMethod, which is used to send message to other ports. It is often conveniently provided in the import property of the first argument of the function, which defines the port, as shown in the section Message Channel

To be able to communicate to other messaging systems, in addition to ut-bus, a port, which wraps the other messaging system API can also be used. Examples of such ports are ut-port-ibmmq and ut-port-rabbitmq.

Messaging Bridge

As described in the message patterns link above, the bridge is a set of adapters.


Message Bus


UT framework components implement the idea of the message bus and at the same time often there is no physical bus as such, ut-bus is closer to the concept of channel adapter. In some circumstances ut-bus can be configured to create a network or local socket, which is technically similar to the bus concept, but this is not often used as it involves introducing a central message broker component.

Message Construction

Command Message

Command messages within UT are the messages with message type identifier (mtid) equal to request or notification. They include the command to be invoked in the method property in the metadata.

Document Message

Examples of document message in UT are the messages with type identifier error and response.

Event Message


Event messages within UT have the type identifier event. Common events are:

  • start - port was started
  • ready - port is ready (connected)
  • stop - port was stopped

Ports can implement event handlers and send messages to other ports or implement other functionality if needed.


request reply

The result of the message handlers is returned to the calling port.

module.exports = function requestReply() {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        async 'channel.message.return'(...params) {
            return {result: true}; // returned in the calling port

Return address

return address

UT implements the request reply pattern, where the return address is the calling port by default.

Correlation Identifier


The framework uses the metadata property named trace to correlate messages in point to point cases. Other data, related to distributed tracing can be present in the forward property in the metadata. Code should always pass the metadata, when calling other ports so that distributed tracing can work.

Message Sequence

There is no UT specific approach for message sequencing. A common use case is paging through a big result set in reports, page number and page size are used in the messaging.

Message Expiration


The Message metadata includes a property named timeout. The value of this property is one of:

  • integer - when messages are serialized for sending over the network, this value indicates the number of milliseconds before the message is considered expired.
  • array of two integers - when message is processed internally, the value represents the high-resolution real time in a [seconds, nanoseconds], until which the message is considered not expired. This value is specific to the process, where the message is handled. See process.hrtime. for more details.

If the message represented a request, the framework will return error of type port.timeout to the message sender if the timeout has passed.

Format Indicator

There is no UT specific approach for the format indicator. Depending on circumstances, it may be included in the message or message metadata.

Message Routing

Content Based Router


module.exports = function contentRouter({
    import: {
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.route'({destination}) {
            return {
                case1: subjectObjectPredicateA,
                case2: subjectObjectPredicateB

Dynamic Router


module.exports = function dynamicRouter({import: external}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.dynamicRoute'({destination}) {
            return external[destination](...arguments);



module.exports = function filter({import: {subjectObjectPredicate}}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.filter'({condition}) {
            return condition && subjectObjectPredicate(...arguments);

Recipient List

recipient list

module.exports = function recipientList({
    import: external,
    config: {
        recipients = [
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.sendParallel'() {
            return Promise.all(recipients.map(
                recipient => external[recipient](...arguments)
        async 'channel.message.sendSequential'() {
            const result = [];
            for (const recipient of recipients) {
                    await external[recipient](...arguments)
            return result;



module.exports = function splitter({import: {subjectObjectPredicate}}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.splitParallel': ({items}, ...rest) =>
                item => subjectObjectPredicate(item, ...rest)
        async 'channel.message.splitSequential'({items}, ...rest) {
            const result = [];
            for (const item of items) {
                    await subjectObjectPredicate(item, ...rest)
            return result;



module.exports = function aggregator({
    import: {subjectObjectPredicate},
    config: {
        size = 10,
        list = [],
        strategy = {
            aggregate: message => list.push(message),
            complete: () => (list.size >= size) && list.splice(0, list.size)
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.aggregate'(message, ...rest) {
            const aggregate = strategy.complete();
            return aggregate && subjectObjectPredicate(aggregate, ...rest);



module.exports = function resequencer({
    import: {subjectObjectPredicate},
    config: {
        size = 10,
        comparator = (first, second) => first[0].order - second[0].order,
        list = [],
        strategy = {
            aggregate: message => list.push(message),
            complete: () => (list.size >= size) &&
                    .splice(0, list.size)
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        async 'channel.message.sort'(...params) {
            const aggregate = strategy.complete() || [];
            const result = [];
            for (const item of aggregate) {
                result.push(await subjectObjectPredicate(...item));
            return result;



module.exports = function composer({
    import: {
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.compose': async({part1, part2}, ...rest) => ({
            ...await subjectObjectPredicateA(part1, ...rest),
            ...await subjectObjectPredicateB(part2, ...rest)

Scatter Gatherer


module.exports = function scatterGatherer({import: external}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        async 'channel.message.scatter'({destinations, ...params}, ...rest) {
            const result = [];
            for (const destination of destinations) {
                    await external[destination](params, ...rest)
            return result;

Routing slip


Process manager


Message broker





Load Balancer

Circuit Breaker

Service Call




Message Transformation

Envelope Wrapper


const crypto = require('crypto');
module.exports = function envelopeWrapper({import: {subjectObjectPredicate}}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.wrap': async() =>
                await subjectObjectPredicate({
                    payload: crypto.randomBytes(100).toString('base64')

Content Enricher


module.exports = function contentEnricher({
    import: {
}) {
    let enrich; // cache the enrichment data
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        namespace: 'channel',
        methods: {
            async start() {
                enrich = await subjectObjectPredicateA();
            'channel.message.enrich': async(params, ...rest) =>
                    {params, ...enrich},
            'channel.message.enrichConfig'(params, ...rest) {
                return subjectObjectPredicateB(
                    {params, ...this.config.enrich},

Content Filter


module.exports = function contentFilter({import: {subjectObjectPredicate}}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.simplify': ({skip, ...simple}, ...rest) =>
            subjectObjectPredicate(simple, ...rest)

Claim Check


module.exports = function claimCheck({
    import: {
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        async 'channel.message.claim'(params, ...rest) {
            const {id} = await subjectObjectPredicateA(...arguments);
            return subjectObjectPredicateB({id}, ...rest);



module.exports = function normalizer({
    import: {subjectObjectPredicate},
    config: {
        detect = params => params.format,
        formats = {
            buffer: value => value.toString('base64'),
            date: value => value.toISOString(),
            default: value => value.toString()
}) {
    return require('ut-function.dispatch')({
        'channel.message.normalize': (params, ...rest) =>
                (formats[detect(params)] || formats.default)(params),

Canonical data model

const joi = require('joi');
module.exports = function validation() {
    return {
        'channel.message.filter': () => ({
            description: 'Message filter EIP',
            params: joi.object().keys({
                condition: joi
                    .description('Filtering condition')
            result: joi.object()

Messaging endpoints

Messaging Gateway


Message Mapper

Transactional Client


Polling Consumer


Event Driven Consumer


Competing Consumers


Message Dispatcher


Selective Consumer


Durable Subscriber


Idempotent Receiver

Service Activator


System Management

Control Bus




Wire Tap


Message History


Message Store


Smart Proxy


Test Message


Channel Purger


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  • kalin.krustev