
0.2.54 • Public • Published


Bitcoin and Paymail Management Done Right

The code is on GitHub and the package is available through NPM.

There is a web interface that wraps this library available at ninja.babbage.systems.

Refer to the Dojo API docs for additional, useful information.

With the exception of getTransactionWithOutputs (which just automates the creation and signing of the simpler transactions), most of the functions here are just one-to-one mappings of the Dojo API endpoints themselves. HTTP, API request authentication and the parsing of responses are handled for you by this library.

To get started making transactions, you should check out getTransactionWithOutputs after funding your account

If you need help, don't hesitate to send a message to Ty Everett on the Atlantis Slack.


Table of Contents


Get Object Type Definitions


  • $0 Object (optional, default {})

    • $0.privateKey
    • $0.config (optional, default CONFIG)
    • $0.taalApiKeys (optional, default {test:'testnet_ba132cc4d5b2ebde7ed0ee0f6ee3f678',main:'mainnet_6c8f8c37afd5c45e09f62d083288a181'})
  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object


Wraps the Authrite.request method to provide additional functionality

  • feature String The request destination route
  • fetchConfig Object Any configuration including the request body

Returns Object JSON object containing the result of the request


Returns the current Paymail handle

Returns Promise<String> The Paymail handle


Changes the Paymail handle of the user. NOTE that the old handle will be available for others to use. NOTE that to prevent span, you may only do this if there is at least one unspent output under Dojo management.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.paymail String A new Paymail handle

Returns Promise<Object> A success object with status: "success"


Returns the name and photo URL of the user

Returns Promise<Avatar> The avatar of the user


Sets a new name and photo URL

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.name String A new name
    • obj.photoURL String A new UHRP or HTTPS URL to a photo of the user

Returns Promise<Object> A success object with status: "success"


Returns a set of transactions that match the criteria

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object (optional, default {})

    • obj.limit Number Include only this maximum number of transactions in the set (optional, default 25)
    • obj.offset Number Include transactions offset by this number in the full set (optional, default 0)
    • obj.involving String? Only include transactions sent to or received from this Paymail handle
    • obj.orderBy String Sort order, can be newest-first or oldest-first (optional, default newest-first)
    • obj.label String? Only include transactions affixed with this label
    • obj.status String? If provided, only transactions with the given status will be returned
    • obj.referenceNumber

Returns Promise<GetTransactionsResult> The transactions and the total size of the set


Returns a set of all transactions that need to be signed and submitted, or canceled

  • $0 Object (optional, default {})

    • $0.referenceNumber

Returns Promise<Array<GetPendingTransactionsTx>> The array of pending transactions


Returns the total of the amounts of transactions that fall under certain criteria

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object (optional, default {})

    • obj.involving String? The Paymail handle of a user who must be involved with the transactions
    • obj.label String? The label that must be affixed to the transactions
    • obj.direction String Must be either "incoming" or "outgoing", transactions in only one direction can be totaled
    • obj.startTime Number? The earlies time of the transactions to include, an epoch timestamp in seconds
    • obj.endTime Number? The latest time of the transactions to include, an epoch timestamp in seconds

Returns Promise<Object> An object containing total, a number of satoshis


Returns the total of unspent outputs

Returns Promise<Object> An object containing total, a non-negative number of satoshis


Creates and signs a transaction with specified outputs, so that it can be processed with processTransaction. This is a higher-level wrapper around createTransaction so that you do not need to manually handle signing, when you are not providing any non-Dojo inputs.

Use this by default, and fall back to createTransaction if you need more customization.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object (optional, default {})

    • obj.outputs Array<GetTxWithOutputsOutput> A set of outputs to include, each with script and satoshis. (optional, default [])
    • obj.feePerKb Number The number of satoshis to pay per KB of block space used by this transaction. (optional, default 110)
    • obj.labels Array<String> A set of label strings to affix to the transaction (optional, default [])
    • obj.inputs Object Input scripts to spend as part of this transaction. This is an object whose keys are TXIDs and whose values are Everett-style transaction envelopes that contain an additional field called outputsToRedeem. This is an array of objects, each containing index and unlockingScript properties. The index property is the output number in the transaction you are spending, and unlockingScript is the hex scriptcode that unlocks the satoshis. Note that you should create any signatures with SIGHASH_NONE | ANYONECANPAY or similar so that the additional Dojo outputs can be added afterward without invalidating your signature. (optional, default {})
    • obj.autoProcess Boolean Whether the transaction should be processed automatically with processTransaction. Note that this will return mapiResponses and note instead of referenceNumber (optional, default true)
    • obj.note String? A note about the transaction
    • obj.recipient String? Paymail recipient for transaction
    • obj.authriteClient Authrite An API for invoking mutually authenticated requests

Returns Promise<GetTxWithOutputsResult> The serialized transaction, inputs, reference number and amount


Creates a new transaction that must be processed with processTransaction after you sign it

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.inputs Object<TxInputEnvelope>? Specify any additional inputs to the transaction (if any) that are not to be provided by the Dojo. If you do not provide inputs here, or if they are insufficient, Dojo will select additional inputs for you to sign. To control this input selection behavior, see the inputSelection parameter. This inputs parameter is an object whose keys are TXIDs of input transactions, and whose values are their associated SPV envelopes.

    • obj.inputSelection Object? If Dojo needs to select more inputs beyond what you provided in the inputs parameter, this parameter describes which kinds of inputs can be selected, and from where.

      • obj.inputSelection.disable Boolean? This is a boolean that, when true, will forbid Dojo from adding any additional inputs to your transaction, beyond what you specified in the inputs parameter. Thus, if you have not sufficiently funded the transaction yourself, or if inputs is empty, you will get an error.
      • obj.inputSelection.maxUnconfirmedChainLength Number? An integer representing the maximum length for any chain of unconfirmed parents that a selected input can have. When -1 (the default), no maximum is specified. Cannot be zero. When 1, indicates that the input must itself be confirmed. When 2, input parents must be confirmed. 3 denotes grandparents, 4 great-grandparents and so forth.
    • obj.outputs Array<TxOutput>? External outputs that you will include when you create this transaction. These outputs can contain custom scripts as specified by recipients. If the inputs to the transaction go beyond what is needed to fund these outputs (plus the transaction fee), additional Dojo-managed UTXOs will be generated to collect the remainder (see the outputGeneration parameter for more on this).

    • obj.outputGeneration Object? If Dojo needs to generate additional outputs for the transaction beyond what was specified, this object describes what kind of outputs to generate, and where they should be kept.

      • obj.outputGeneration.method String The method used to generate outputs. "auto" selects the amount and types of generated outputs based on the selected basket's configuration for how many of each type to keep on hand, then uses Benford's law to distribute the satoshis across them. "single" just uses one output, randomly selected from the available types, that contains all the satoshis. (optional, default auto)
    • obj.fee Object? Represents the fee the transaction will pay

      • obj.fee.model String Fee model to use, currently always "sat/kb" (optional, default sat/kb)
      • obj.fee.value Number When the fee model is "sat/kb", this is the number of satoshis per kilobyte of block space that the transaction will pay. (optional, default 500)
    • obj.labels Array<String>? The labels to affix to this transaction

    • obj.note String? A numan-readable note describing the transaction

    • obj.recipient String? The Paymail handle for the recipient of the transaction

Returns Promise<TransactionTemplate> The template you need to sign and process


Returns which BSV network we are using (mainnet or testnet)

  • format String for the returned string. Either with or without a 'net' suffix. (optional, default 'default')

Returns String The current BSV network formatted as requested.


After a transaction is created (with createTransaction or with getTransactionWithOutputs) this is used to process the transaction, thereby activating any change outputs and flagging designated inputs as spent

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.inputs String Inputs to spend as part of this transaction
    • obj.submittedTransaction String The transaction that has been created and signed
    • obj.reference String The reference number provided by createTransaction or getTransactionWithOutputs
    • obj.outputMap Object An object whose keys are derivation prefixes and whose values are corresponding change output numbers from the transaction.

Returns Promise<Object> An object containing a note field with a success message, and mapiResponses, for use in creating an SPV Envelope


Signs and processes all pending transactions, useful when recovering from an error or crash, or on startup. If a transaction fails to process, marks it as failed.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object (optional, default {})

    • obj.onTransactionProcessed Function? A function called for each processed transaction. (optional, default ()=>{})
    • obj.onTransactionFailed Function? A function called for each failed transaction. (optional, default ()=>{})

Returns Promise Resolves once the operation is complete


Returns a set of transaction outputs that Dojo has tracked

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object (optional, default {})

    • obj.basket String? If provided, indicates which basket the outputs should be selected from.
    • obj.tracked Boolean? If provided, only outputs with the corresponding tracked value will be returned (true/false).
    • obj.includeEnvelope Boolean? If provided, returns a structure with the SPV envelopes for the UTXOS that have not been spent. (optional, default false)
    • obj.spendable Boolean? If given as true or false, only outputs that have or have not (respectively) been spent will be returned. If not given, both spent and unspent outputs will be returned.
    • obj.type String? If provided, only outputs of the specified type will be returned. If not provided, outputs of all types will be returned.
    • obj.limit Number? Provide a limit on the number of outputs that will be returned. (optional, default 25)
    • obj.offset Number? Provide an offset into the list of outputs. (optional, default 0)

Returns Promise<Array<TransactionOutputDescriptor>> A set of outputs that match the criteria


Use this endpoint to update the status of a transaction. This is useful for flagging incomplete transactions as aborted or reverting a completed transaction back into a pending status if it never got confirmed. Setting the status to "completed" or "waitingForSenderToSend" will make any selected UTXOs unavailable for spending, while any other status value will free up the UTXOs for use in other transactions.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.reference String The Dojo reference number for the transaction
    • obj.status String The new status of the transaction

Returns Promise<Object> A success object with status: "success"


This endpoint allows a recipient to submit a transactions that was directly given to them by a sender. Saves the inputs and key derivation information, allowing the UTXOs to be redeemed in the future. Sets the transaction to completed and marks the outputs as spendable.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.protocol string Specify the transaction submission payment protocol to use. Currently, the only supported protocol is that with BRFC ID "3241645161d8"

    • obj.transaction Object The transaction envelope to submit, including key derivation information

      • obj.transaction.outputs Array An array of outputs, each containing vout, satoshis, derivationSuffix, and (optionally), derivationPrefix. If a global derivationPrefix is used (recommended), output-specific derivation prefixes should be omitted.
    • obj.senderIdentityKey string Provide the identity key for the person who sent the transaction

    • obj.note string Human-readable description for the transaction

    • obj.derivationPrefix string? A derivation prefix used for all outputs. If provided, derivation prefixes on all outputs are optional.

    • obj.amount

    • obj.labels

Returns Promise<Object> Object containing reference number, status=success, and human-readable note acknowledging the transaction


Verifies an incoming Paymail transaction (deprecated, use submitDirectTransaction)


Returns Promise<Boolean> A success boolean status


Use this endpoint to update the status of one of your outputs, given as the TXID of a transaction and the vout (output index) in that transaction. This is useful for flagging transaction outpoints as spent if they were inadvertantly broadcasted or used without properly submitting them to the Dojo, or to undo the spending of an output if it was never actually spent.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.txid String The TXID of the transaction that created the output
    • obj.vout Number The index of the output in the transaction
    • obj.spendable Boolean The true spendability status of this outpoint

Returns Promise<Object> A success object with status: "success"


Use this endpoint to store an incoming certificate.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.certificate Object The certificate object to save

Returns Promise<Object> A success object with status: "success"


Use this endpoint to retrieve certificates.

  • obj Object All parameters are given in an object

    • obj.certifiers Array The certifiers to filter certificates by
    • obj.types Object The certificate types to filter certificates by

Returns Promise<Object> A success object with status: "success" and any found certificates


Type: Object


  • script String The hex representing the locking script of the output
  • satoshis Number The number of satoshis to put in the output


Type: Object


  • rawTx String The serialized, signed transaction that is ready for broadcast
  • txid String The txid for the new transaction
  • referenceNumber String The reference number that should now be provided back to processTransaction (or updateTransactionStatus`)
  • inputs Object This is the fully-formed inputs field of this transaction, as per the SPV Envelope specification.
  • amount Number The amount of the transaction

Handling Errors

When errors are returned from the Dojo API, they take the form of an object with three fields:

  • status: Will be error if there is an error.
  • code: The machine-readable error code. Example: ERR_BAD_THING
  • description: The human-readable error message. Example: A bad thing has happened.

The UTXONinja wrapper will raise JavaScript errors in the following format:

ERR_BAD_THING: A bad thing has happened.

You can parse these error messages into a usable format as follows:

try {
  await ninja.someFunction()
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`Error code: ${e.message.split(':')[0]}`)
  console.error(`Error message: ${e.message.split(':')[1].trim()}`)

If you want custom error messages, or if you are building an internationalized (non-English) application, you can utilize the machine-readable error codes. A list of current codes can be found in the Table of Errors in the Dojo API Documentation.


The license for this library, which is a wrapper for the proprietary Dojo API, is the Open BSV License. It can only be used on the BSV blockchain. The Dojo API itself, including the rights to create and host Dojo servers or any other related infrastructure, is not covered by the Open BSV License and remains proprietary and restricted. The Open BSV License only extends to the code in this repository, and you are not permitted to host Dojo servers or create copies or alternative implementations of the proprietary Dojo API without other permission.




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  • tonesnotes
  • braydude
  • tyeverett