Onboards users to Babbage Desktop before loading your app
published 0.2.20 6 months agoUHRP-enabled React components for images, video and audio
published 0.2.38 a month agoTools for creating and paying invoices privately on Bitcoin SV
published 1.3.27 2 months agoA system for mutual authentication of two parties over a communications channel
published 0.4.36 a month agoExpress middleware for providing mutual authentication with a client
published 0.4.36 a month agoA package for creating and redeeming Bitcoin tokens with arbitrary signed payloads stored on the stack
published 0.1.64 a month agoEfficiently encode Uint8Arrays as base64 strings
published 0.1.11 a year agoCommon implementations for standard cryptographic utilities
published 0.1.8 a year ago