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1.0.1 • Public • Published

Welcome to Valid Utils

A simple and flexible validation package for common data types and formats, including email, URLs, dates, numbers, and more.


npm install valid-utils


import React, { useState } from "react";

// Assuming `isItValidPass` is imported from your utility file
import { isItValidPass } from "valid-utils";

const PasswordValidator: React.FC = () => {
  const [password, setPassword] = useState<string>("");
  const [validationResult, setValidationResult] = useState<string | null>(null);

  const validatePassword = () => {
    const options = {
      minLength: 8,

    const { result, isValid } = isItValidPass(password, options);

    if (isValid) {
      setValidationResult("Password is valid");
    } else {
      setValidationResult(`Password is invalid: ${result}`);

  return (
        onChange={(e) => setPassword(}
        placeholder="Enter your password"
      <button onClick={validatePassword}>Validate Password</button>
      {validationResult && <p>{validationResult}</p>}

export default PasswordValidator;

Available Validation Functions


Validates an email address based on various customizable options.

  • Parameters:
    • email (string): The email address to validate.
    • options (optional EmailOptions): Optional configuration for the validation process.
  • Returns: { isValid: boolean, result: string }


Validates a password based on various customizable options.

  • Parameters:
    • password (string): The password to validate.
    • options (optional PasswordOptions): Optional configuration for the validation process.
  • Returns: { isValid: boolean, result: string }


Validates a date based on a specified format.

  • Parameters:
    • date (string): The date to validate.
    • format (string): The date format to validate (e.g., "YYYY-MM-DD", "MM/DD/YYYY", "DD/MM/YYYY").
  • Returns: { isValid: boolean, result: string }


Validates a numeric input based on various customizable options.

  • Parameters:
    • value (number | string): The number to validate.
    • options (optional NumericOptions): Optional configuration for the validation process.
  • Returns: { isValid: boolean, result: string }


Validates a URL based on various customizable options.

  • Parameters:
    • url (string): The URL to validate.
    • options (optional UrlOptions): Optional configuration for the validation process.
  • Returns: { isValid: boolean, result: string }

Type Definitions


The shape of the response returned by validation functions.

Property Type Description
isValid boolean Indicates whether the input is valid or not.
result `string number`


Global options that apply to various validation functions.

Property Type Description
minLength number Minimum length for the input.
maxLength number Maximum length for the input.
pattern RegExp Regular expression pattern for validation.


Options specific to email validation.

Property Type Description
allowSpecialCharacters boolean Allow special characters in the local part.
allowedDomains string[] List of allowed domains.
disallowedDomains string[] List of disallowed domains.
caseSensitive boolean Case sensitivity for email validation.
allowSubdomains boolean Allow subdomains in the domain part.
requiredTLD boolean Require a top-level domain.
isRequired boolean Whether the email is required.


Options specific to password validation.

Property Type Description
requireUppercase number Minimum number of uppercase characters required.
requireLowercase number Minimum number of lowercase characters required.
requireNumbers number Minimum number of numeric characters required.
requireSpecialChars number Minimum number of special characters required.
specialChars string Allowed special characters.
minUniqueChars number Minimum number of unique characters required.


Options specific to numeric validation.

Property Type Description
min number Minimum value allowed.
max number Maximum value allowed.
decimalPlaces number Number of decimal places allowed.


Options specific to URL validation.

Property Type Description
protocols AllowedProtocols[] Allowed URL protocols.
format RegExp Regular expression format for validation.


This type defines the allowed protocols for URLs.

Protocol Description
http Hypertext Transfer Protocol
https Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
ftp File Transfer Protocol
ftps File Transfer Protocol Secure
mailto Email address
file Local file
data Data URL scheme
tel Telephone number
sms Short Message Service
ws WebSocket protocol
wss WebSocket Secure protocol


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    • moemensaadeh