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1.0.1 • Public • Published

Welcome to vanilla-delegate 👋

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

Simple vanilla js event delegation that can be destroy trigger once and use native event

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Simple and light lib to delegate events.

Instead of binding lot of events of repeated items on a page, you can deleagte those events by using this simple function. It only apply on a wanted element and parcour all it children finding the matching selectors and propaging events for thoses targets. The callback function return an DelegateEvent similar to nativeEvent except the delegateTarget which must be used instead of target or currentTarget. It always match the selector.

Simple use case:

 * Bind given callback onto existing and upcoming elements matching the given
 * selector, for events of type eType.
 * Use e.delegateTarget instead of in the callback function to get the HTMLElement representative of selector
 * @param {HTMLElement} $container HTMLElement into which to apply Selector
 * @param {String} selector Selector matching HTMLElements onto which the callback will be bind
 * @param {String} eType String event or list of events seperated by , (ex: 'touchstart,touchmove,touchend')
 * @param {Function} callback Function to execute when catching the event
 * @param {boolean} useCapture Boolean that dertemine if the event must use capture or not (default: false)
 * @param {boolean} once Boolean that dertemine if the event must trigger only once
 * @returns {{delegate: Function, undelegate: Function}|void}
    ({delegateTarget, ...e}) => {
        console.log('target', delegateTarget, e.type); 

Undelegate Event:

const instance = delegate(
    $container, // HTMLElement
    '.selector', // Selector
    'click', // Event
    ({delegateTarget, ...e}) => {
        console.log('target', delegateTarget, e.type); 
    }, // callback function

// When you need to remove the event..

// You can alose delegate the event if need to rebind after that (be careful, you need to check if event is already binded to avoid multiple binding of the same function !)


👤 Maxime Lerouge

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.

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📝 License

Copyright © 2024 Maxime Lerouge.
This project is MIT licensed.

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