This package has been deprecated

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This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @varasto/server.

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0.4.0 • Public • Published


Varasto is a minimalistic key-value store that can store any kind of JSON object identified by a key. Values are persisted on disk.

Varasto comes with an HTTP interface, allowing you to store, retrieve and remove items from it.


$ npm install -g varasto


$ varasto [-p port] <directory>

Port which the HTTP server will be responding from can be specified with the -p flag. By default Varasto will use port 3000.

The directory where items are stored is specified with <directory> command line argument. If the directory does not exist, it will be created once items are being stored.

Once the HTTP server is up and running, you can use HTTP methods GET, POST and DELETE to retrieve, store and remove items from the store.

Storing items

For example, to store an item, you can use a POST request like this:

POST /foo HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 14

{"foo": "bar"}

Or you can use curl to store an item like this:

$ curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"foo": "bar"}' \

The identifier of the stored item in that example would be foo. It's defined by the path to which the request is being made and can contain any character except slash (/).

Retrieving items

To retrieve a previously stored item, you make an GET request, where the request path again acts as the identifier of the item.

GET /foo HTTP/1.0

To which the HTTP server will respond with the JSON object previously stored with identifier foo. If an item with given identifier does not exist, HTTP error 404 will be returned instead.

Removing items

To remove an previously stored item, you make a DELETE request, with the request path again acting as the identifier of the item you wish to remove.

DELETE /foo HTTP/1.0

If item with identifier foo exists, it's value will be returned as response. If an item with the given identifier does not exist, HTTP error 404 will be returned instead.

Updating items

You can also partially update an already existing item with PATCH request. The JSON sent with an PATCH request will be shallowly merged with the already existing data and the result will be sent as response.

For example, you have an item person with the following data:

    "name": "John Doe",
    "address": "Some street 4",
    "phoneNumber": "+35840123123"

And you send an PATCH request like this:

PATCH /person HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 71

    "address": "Some other street 5",
    "faxNumber": "+358000000"

You end up with:

    "name": "John Doe",
    "address": "Some other street 5",
    "phoneNumber": "+35840123123",
    "faxNumber": "+358000000"


Varasto does not currently support any kind of authentication, so you might not want to expose it to public network.

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  • rauli