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Add the dependencies and configs to your project.

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0.21.0 • Public • Published


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Version-controlled build config for easy re-use and sharing using Beemo.


yarn add --dev vega-lite-dev-config

Before using the build config provided you should remove any older dependencies or config files for the drivers you intend to use (e.g., remove eslint and .eslintrc). vega-lite-dev-config will handle these dependencies, and it will auto-generate the config files for you.

Using drivers

This project is built with beemo, and therefore requires a ".config/beemo.ts" configuration file with a list of drivers you want to enable. You can optionally configure some drivers as shown below:

// .config/beemo.ts
import { Config } from "vega-lite-dev-config";

const config: Config = {
  module: 'vega-lite-dev-config',
  drivers: {
    babel: true,
    prettier: true,
    eslint: true,
    jest: true,
    typescript: {
      buildFolder: "build"
  // optional settings for the vega-lite-dev-config
  settings: {
    node: true,
    react: false,
    babel: {
      jest: true

If you want to customize the drivers, you need to create overrides as described in the Beemo docs.

Executing drivers

Executing a driver will initialize Beemo's pipeline, generate configuration files (e.g., it will generate a .eslintrc or prettier.config.js, and execute the underlying driver binary and logging to the console.

All arguments passed to Beemo are passed to driver.

You may define these commands as scripts in your package.json:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "beemo create-config --silent",
    "test": "beemo jest",
    "test:inspect": "node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand",
    "prettierbase": "beemo prettier '*.{css,scss,html}'",
    "eslintbase": "beemo eslint .",
    "format": "yarn eslintbase --fix && yarn prettierbase --write",
    "lint": "yarn eslintbase && yarn prettierbase --check",
    "types": "beemo typescript",
    "types:watch": "beemo typescript --watch"


Publishing is handled by a 2-branch pre-release process, configured in publish.yml. All changes should be based off the default next branch, and are published automatically unless a skip-release label is applied to the PR.

  • PRs made into the default branch are auto-deployed to the next pre-release tag on NPM. The result can be installed with npm install vega-tooltip/@next.
    • When merging into next, please use the squash and merge strategy.
  • To release a new stable version, open a PR from next into stable using this compare link.
    • When merging from next into stable, please use the create a merge commit strategy.




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  • arvindsatya1
  • domoritz
  • jheer
  • kanitw