Vine Id To URL Segment has 2 types of IDs that they use for their videos. One is used in the URLs (it looks like bvlaYggdIiU
) and the other is used internally in their undocumented API (it looks like 913509459945467904
). I didn't think that they would maintain 2 unrelated IDs for each post, just for the purpose of a shorter URL, so I investigated whether or not they were related. It turns out they are and you can convert between them pretty easily (especially in languages where we don't represent integers as floats - like Python).
So, this package is what I came up with for converting the video ID into the segment of their "permalinks" that represents the video. It's probably worth noting that this is not a standard conversion. It lacks the elegance of base 62, and doesn't seem to avoid characters for any particular reason (like removing the O/0 and L/I pairs). The 1st step is using base 49, and the 2nd step involves mapping characters to counterparts that I discovered experimentally. As far as I can tell, these mappings are random, but perhaps someone with more time could look into it further... I have a hard time believing that a programmer would apply a character mapping if it was totally useless &/or arbitrary.
Note: the id must be passed in as a string. If it was passed as a number then it would be severely rounded.
require 'vine-id-to-url-segment'consolelogvineIdToUrlSegment'913509459945467904' # bvlaYggdIiU consolelogurlSegmentToVineId'bvlaYggdIiU' # 913509459945467904
var ref urlSegmentToVineId vineIdToUrlSegment;ref = vineIdToUrlSegment = refvineIdToUrlSegmenturlSegmentToVineId = refurlSegmentToVineId; console; // bvlaYggdIiUconsole; // 913509459945467904